
Picture Time!

This was pre getting scared out of their minds from Ms. Grabs a lot.  See post earlier.  The boys just enjoying their Great-Grandmother.

 Can you tell Ceal and her friends love this chair?  Drew is on the left reading away and Caroline is on the right.  Love them both!

 Sebastian loves him some Ceal.  She is the greatest older sister.  She cried the other night, because we put Sebastian to bed and she wanted to play with him longer.  He attacks her, gives her hugs and kisses, and follows her around the house.  When she got home from school yesterday, she said, "I bet Sebastian was looking for me everywhere."  Love it.

Zoo Fun!!
 Can you handle how cute they are?  Sebastian is here with his buddy, Max.  Max is also one.  And yes, he looks like he is two, but I can assure you he is one and may be playing some basketball soon!  You would want to bottle up Max's laugh and save it when you are down.  I could not stop laughing.

Here Sebastian is with his friend, Hayden.  Cealy loves this chick so much, she kisses her every second.  Sebastian and Hayden are one day apart, but she can run a marathon and do cartwheels. 

 Ceal with Kaitlyn!  Cealy loves Drew's sister, which will be perfect, because she is just a year younger.  They can hang out all the time in school! Look at her face!

 All the kiddos minus the babies!  Love these!  Ceal is with Kate, Drew, and Taylor.  Remember Taylor?  She is a bouncing, dancing, yummy yam three year old that will make you smile all day.
Please continue to pray for her and her family.  We are praying that Jesus completely heals Taylor and chemo will be done forever very soon.  I am reading Luke this week, and reminded that Jesus is our God who will heal.  It is amazing all the healing He did for those around Him, all because they believed in Him and His Father.

Sebastian landed his beam routine!!

My precious nephew, Cruz!! Goodness me, I love him.  He gives me hugs all day long.  Here we are at My Gym.  We absolutely love this place!  His face melts my heart.  I get him every Friday.  Sebastian is obsessed, but Cruz would rather just play with Ceal.  He can't understand why Sebastian won't leave him alone.  He is great at telling me when Sebastian is doing the wrong thing...like playing in the toilet.

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