
Give 1 Save 1

 Do you just LOVE this shirt?  Umm, might be the most awesome shirt ever.
Not only is it adorable but it represents my future children's first home, and I helped bring a baby boy home buying this!!

I feel like a million bucks.  Yes, I helped bring a baby boy home buying this shirt.  He is on my refrigerator right now.  His big beautiful eyes stare at me every time I pull something out to eat (which is often)

So go on and head over to:   http://give1save1africa.blogspot.com/

Beth started this amazing idea to help families raise money to bring their children home.  She is about the most amazing person ever because 1) She is totally normal and funny.  2) She is selling these shirts for her adoption of this awesome baby boy who needs to get home asap and  3) She is full of love and wants to help other families bring children home who don't have a mommy or daddy.

 I pray for Beth at night.  She is a peach, if you ever met one.  I pray in my head, because my husband likes to go to bed wayy to early.  But I pray in a black gospel type of way.  And yes I am allowed to say this, because I have attended a predominately black church and funeral and had the most amazing experience.  The music and heart there is like none you have ever heard.  It will bring you to tears.  It will get you on your feet, jumping with your hands in the air.  I pray, "Lord, please bless Beth and keep her crazy fun ideas a brewing.  And please bring Your baby home to her so she can help love him to health and beyond."

So if you see me around, yes you will most likely see me wearing this shirt.  I have already worn it twice and I got it yesterday.  My husband called and asked if I was wearing it this morning and then he said, "Noooooo, this is going to be like when you wore the green dress (from Lottie Dottie Boutique) for weeks??"   And I said, "Exactly."  When I like something, you best believe I wear it all the time.  Yes, people I wash between wearings...okay sometimes I don't.


  1. CUTEST TEE EVER! Just bought one, hehe! :) Thank you for the Lottie Dottie shout. XO.

  2. You are so great! I hope you love it! Just wait until you see this boy's picture! So adorable! xoxo, Amanda Leigh
