
Lincoln Park!

I love this picture.  The background is of downtown Chicago.

Your dad was pushing you on the swing.  I was terrified, because I thought he was pushing you too past.  Of course you were having a blast.

Here you are with Andy.  He is so sweet with you.  You crawl around the room to find him.  

Auntie Kenzie and Andy Visit!

Your dad and I love to kiss you, but you don't love it so much.

Aunt Kenzie and Andy came for a visit. It was so much fun.  They came for a long weekend and we went to the zoo and played around Lincoln Park.  They are both so good with you.  Andy had to lower your crib, because you were jumping up and down holding on to the sides.  

We enjoyed some drinks outside of a fun bar.

Love this picture of Andy and Mackenzie.

8 Months!

I brought out your Pack N Play to keep you safe and then I can manage to do something around the house.  You crawl so fast now and pull yourself up onto everything.  It is exhausting, but very fun to watch.

Look at that face! You love swinging at the park.  

You are so big here!

You try to find pacifiers around the house and put them in your mouth.  Here you put it in upside down.

This is your favorite activity.  You stand up next to your rocker and take out ALL the burp rags from the basket...but you don't put them back in.


Trip Continued.

Here is another picture of your dad reading to you before bed.

Here is a picture with your Nana and Pop.  You LOVE their house.  We stayed the night on Saturday and Nana and I took a long walk with you.  You crawl to Pop where ever he is in the room.  He sang the bunny song to you a million times.  You loved it!

Funny Face.

You are making that face! Maybe because you are done with pictures.

Your dad reads to you every night before bed.

You watch me do push ups and try sometimes.  It cracks me up!!

This is my favorite time with you.  You snuggle with me a drink your bottle up.  You think you will do this with me when you're 15?  

You are making the most hilarious face now!  I think you are trying to study people, but it looks like you don't like them.  You crinkle your nose up and look at people.  It is so funny. This past week we went to Indianapolis to visit our family.  You were pretty wild the whole week.  You do not like animals for sure! Every time Macy, Sophie, or the cats would come around you would scream at them.  You love to hear yourself scream.  I gave you crackers for the first time with GrandPam and Marm.  We were out to eat and trying to keep you occupied.  You chocked and threw up which almost gave me a heart attack.  However, I have given you some since then and you LOVE them.  On the three hour ride home, you were a grouch so I gave you crackers the whole time.  The car is very messy, but what else is there to do?