

Oh, this precious boy of mine is trouble.  I know you have heard that you buy children toys and they want to play with the box the toys came in...

Well my son just wants to play in anything that is off limits.  Anything...

You cannot leave the room for a millisecond.  Real life.

At this point he doesn't know that I see him.

Well hello.

Let's see if I can fit.
"This vent is perfect for me to play with"

"That TV looks like a lot of money, perfect for me to pound on"

"This block looks like it would really hurt if I threw it at my mother's face"

"I don't like that chair right side up, I'll just flip it"

Remember Darla from Finding Nemo. Sebastian is real life Darla to our precious fish.
So Ceal is my big helper.  She loves vacuum.  Here is the kicker.  I didn't know how annoying I was until she started vacuuming.  "Excuse me!! Can you move this ball so I can vacuum.  Excuse me!! Mom, can you clean this room up, cause I need to vacuum."  I was like Oh so I am that annoying when I vacuum.   

I just want to make sure I remember what my kitchen looked like when I cooked dinner at night.  How do you clean and cook and play with your kids?  You don't.  Something has to go, cleaning it is...

Really the grocery is not bad with my kiddos.  Cruz is usually a peach, not this last time, but I'll give him a credit.  This trip Cealy needed to go potty at the exact moment I placed my LAST item on the conveyor belt at check out.  "Hey, sorry can you just wait, and ummm mam could you move please because I need to back my cart alllll the way out to hit the restrooms up."

Just running some errands while Cealy and Sebastian run laps.

They wrestle more than they play with toys...
So a girlfriend of mine and I had a hilarious convo about the car.  Once you put the kiddos in and strap them up, it's like "I'm free!  I am really free!  Should I get some cleaning done?  Eat?"  Oh the things you can accomplish...jk.
Back to his favorite toy.

Thank you!

I must tell my children, friends, and family about the amazing, positive people around our family.

The ones who are so excited for us to bring our children home, that I have to calm them down.

My mother for one is so pumped, she can barely stand it.  Her and Feve have asked to travel with me in the event Danny wants to stay home.  Wow, could you be anymore amazing?

My sisters want me to bring home more than two, so they can add children to their families through adoption.  They watch the countless videos I send them.  They cry when they see children without families.  They laugh and smile when they see children coming home.  My sisters are so supportive.

My friends are beautiful.  I am so very blessed.  They ask about our process as if I was pregnant.  One told me to tell her the second we get pictures.  Another one can't wait to throw a baby shower.  I love their children as my own, and they love mine.  Today, one of my besties stopped by and sat down with Ceal while she ate lunch.  They gabbed and talked like friends.  I am so very blessed.

My family makes it very easy to travel, and I am so very thankful.  They all beg to take our children so I don't even have to stress about that. 

Sometimes, I forget to be thankful.  I see that glass and sure say it's half empty.  Today I want to remind myself and my family how blessed we are to have such amazing family and friends...and our adoption community is about the most delicious people you will ever meet!!  Love them.


Nadya Suleman.

Why is everyone so mean about her?

She stays at home and watches all her children.

She doesn't ever get a break.

She doesn't even get to enjoy a dinner with friends or a date night.

It breaks my heart when I hear that people are mean to this woman.

Spray painting her home, because she had to go on welfare?  Are you serious?  If you knew the people around you that signed up for that sweet check, because they just didn't want a job, you would be astounded.

Danny was watching ESPN last night when Ceal went to bed (or so we thought she went to bed).  I told him we were not watching anymore crap television and turned on Dr. Phil from the DVR.  (Do you hear me cackling?) 

Dr. Phil was also being mean.  I love this man and am usually on his side, but this time I was so mad at him.  This chick works hard.  She had a messy house Dr. Phil?  Come take a look on the wild side.  I have two and have a messy house most days.  She ate her words about taking off her clothes for money?  And?  She thought in her wildest dreams she would never have to do that, and now she has to.  Would we like her better if she placed her kids up for adoption and went out drinking on the regular?  Seriously, think about it.  What will it take you to like her?

I get it.  She asked for it?  She messed up?  Move on.  This woman stays at home and watches her children all day long.  I have seen what happens to children who are left alone all the time.  Children who are dropped off at friend's houses because their parents want to party all night all the time.  This woman is determined to take care of her children.  She loves them that much.

I love you, Nadya.  And I for one think you are doing an amazing job with your resources.  I am a mother of two, hopefully soon four, and applaud you for the love you show your babies.


Are We Crazy?


Okay, we are crazy.

So many of you ask it, so I'll tell you.  And I mean, so many of you.  At least once a week, someone close to me says, "I just tell you darling, you are crazy."

I get it.

I pull my hair out now.

I have two of the most precious children on the earth.  They laugh, jump, fall, cry, run, crawl, and well drive me crazy.  Just visiting with a friend today I tried to hold Sebastian while he was willed himself to leap out of my arms...Ceal is crying at a high octave about the scary dogs and also wants her snack I brought her. 

It is so much work.  And it is hard work.  I ask for guidance everyday.

And you ask, Are we crazy?  Two more?  Are you sure?

I have to think to myself.  Are we crazy?

Then I have to think about everyone I really admire and respect.  The people I put on a pedestal (not the one in which I put God and Jesus) but those on earth that really are amazing.  Well, they have been called crazy too.  The book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan explains that all of us with a deep love for God and His son, Jesus will be called to be crazy.  Francis Chan sold his house after his fourth child, not for a bigger and more spacious house to accompany his darling wife and children, but a smaller home.  One that would keep the family closer and allow him and his wife to give more to others.  And you can believe he was called crazy.  How about all those friends of Katie Davis who watched her win homecoming queen and then fly to Uganda and adopt 14 daughters by the age of 24.  Yes, she was quite crazy too.  Now I will never reach the status of those two dear people, but I can at least try to follow some of the guidelines in which they live.

The word, crazy sounded scary to me because I put it in the same category as one who would enter a mental hospital. One who would leave their child in the car when they went shopping in ANY degrees.  But the word for that is not crazy.  Maybe depressed, one without God and Jesus, or sick.

I for one know that adding any children to our family will be a lot of work.  And for any of you that see me at the park, zoo, or at home know I already have a lot in my arms.  But friends, I have a lot more room in my heart.  I can be called crazy by you and know that God is smiling, so I am better for it.  I am not taking it personally, so no need to call and say you didn't mean it that way.  I love you anyway.


Baby Alive.

Cealy walks around the house all day long telling me her baby is crying.  She changes her diapers, and gives her hugs and kisses.  I was super impressed with her mothering skills. What a sweetie?

My Aunt sent Ceal a Baby Alive doll.  Have you seen one?

Well Baby Alive is quite alive.  She doesn't crawl all over furniture or anything, but she sure talks up a storm.  She eats, drinks, pees, and poops my friends.

I was playing with Sebastian in the family room with Baby Alive came diving out of the playroom.  I said, "Ceal, we do not throw our toys.  You are her mommy, you don't throw babies."

Cealy sure did say, "I am NOT her mommy.  I don't want her anymore.  She cries sooo much, and always wants a drink.  She keeps peeing, and talking to me.  She tells me she wants to play but I don't want to play.  She needs to go to sleep!"

Kid you not, Ceal walked out of the room and then asked me for a snack.

I sure like that Baby Alive.

The Many Things I Want...

So again I was complaining.

I really need to work on it.

I wanted the kid's bathroom to be done.  I wanted a fun paint color.  I needed a new shower curtain, maybe with some sharks and fish on it from Land of Nod.  I was going to put stars up near the bathtub, (never said I was good at decorating or coordinating) It was going to be great.

I wanted some wallpaper behind the shelves.  We really needed new towels for the kids.  The bathroom looks like something out of a hotel.  Super boring.  No flash of color there.

Danny reminded me that we were having two more children and didn't have the money to spice up the kid's bathroom. 

Ugg.  Imagine telling a 3 year-old she can't have a sucker.  I was such a baby about it.

Then I remembered Jesus.

I thought he would say something like this to me, "Oh dear sister of mine, get your mind right.  You are not coming to Heaven with your Land of Nod shower curtain.  Your kids will never remember the ugly wallpaper you want to put up.  The good life has nothing to do with being wealthy and wanting things.  I am already annoyed that you are storing a bed in your attic, when I have many brothers and sisters without one."

Well of course I don't know that he would say that, but it might be something like that.

I sure got rid of that bed.


Picture Time!

This was pre getting scared out of their minds from Ms. Grabs a lot.  See post earlier.  The boys just enjoying their Great-Grandmother.

 Can you tell Ceal and her friends love this chair?  Drew is on the left reading away and Caroline is on the right.  Love them both!

 Sebastian loves him some Ceal.  She is the greatest older sister.  She cried the other night, because we put Sebastian to bed and she wanted to play with him longer.  He attacks her, gives her hugs and kisses, and follows her around the house.  When she got home from school yesterday, she said, "I bet Sebastian was looking for me everywhere."  Love it.

Zoo Fun!!
 Can you handle how cute they are?  Sebastian is here with his buddy, Max.  Max is also one.  And yes, he looks like he is two, but I can assure you he is one and may be playing some basketball soon!  You would want to bottle up Max's laugh and save it when you are down.  I could not stop laughing.

Here Sebastian is with his friend, Hayden.  Cealy loves this chick so much, she kisses her every second.  Sebastian and Hayden are one day apart, but she can run a marathon and do cartwheels. 

 Ceal with Kaitlyn!  Cealy loves Drew's sister, which will be perfect, because she is just a year younger.  They can hang out all the time in school! Look at her face!

 All the kiddos minus the babies!  Love these!  Ceal is with Kate, Drew, and Taylor.  Remember Taylor?  She is a bouncing, dancing, yummy yam three year old that will make you smile all day.
Please continue to pray for her and her family.  We are praying that Jesus completely heals Taylor and chemo will be done forever very soon.  I am reading Luke this week, and reminded that Jesus is our God who will heal.  It is amazing all the healing He did for those around Him, all because they believed in Him and His Father.

Sebastian landed his beam routine!!

My precious nephew, Cruz!! Goodness me, I love him.  He gives me hugs all day long.  Here we are at My Gym.  We absolutely love this place!  His face melts my heart.  I get him every Friday.  Sebastian is obsessed, but Cruz would rather just play with Ceal.  He can't understand why Sebastian won't leave him alone.  He is great at telling me when Sebastian is doing the wrong thing...like playing in the toilet.


You absolutely must...

Go to this website:  www.nothinglefttopaint.com

Please watch the video of this precious girl seeing her parent's pictures for the first time.

I tell you, I have watched the video 10 times, and cried every time.

This is one of the many reasons we adopt.  I want to hug every beautiful child in this video, including the darling man showing the pictures.


Childlike Trust.

"At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves as wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike."-Luke 10:21

My bible helps explain all the passages.  Because it takes me a long time to understand what the bible is teaching me, I love my Life Application Study Bible.  When I read that passage I wondered exactly what it meant and then below read:

We come to Jesus not through strength and brains, but through childlike trust.

Childlike trust sums it all just perfectly. 



My famous line around here these days is, "We are working on patience in this house..."

I am talking about my precious Cealy and Sebastian of course, not myself.

They need to work on patience.  I for one have mastered it.

I don't stomp my feet around the house waiting to see my future children's pictures.

I don't run to the mailbox and then raise my fist to the mail woman wondering where she could be at such an hour.

I don't check my email every hour, waiting to hear from my agency, nooooooo.

I don't call my husband at work and cry like a two year old wondering why we have not heard anything back from this clearance check or that one.

Oh No.  I am absolutely patient.  I am just the perfect parent to model this virtue to my young children...

Mr. President.

Oh dear children.  Please hear me.  I want you to remember how your father and I brought you up.  I am afraid you will be one of the facebook people I absolutely want to delete but can't.

Please do not ever and I mean ever talk poorly or disrepectfully of someone who has such a frightening job...one that you could never imagine the scrutiny.

Growing up, I certainly did not hear my parents ever talk ill of our president.  I must have thought that my parents voted for every president or just really loved them.  Now I realize they had respect for whomever was in position to run our country.

I for one love Barack Obama and would run and hug him any day of the week.  I might have a large newspaper framed with him winning in my house.  My husband would definitely shake his hand but maybe skip all the, "I love yous." Yes, we are oh so very different, but my wonderful husband has never spoken a bad word about him.

When Barack ran for president I was working at my precious school that I love so much.  My children only wanted Barack Obama to win and could not stand the thought of "the other white candidate" winning.  I went out and bought two books for us to read.  One was titled, Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope.  The other was titled, My Dad, John McCain.  Oh did we learn.  We learned so many great things about each candidate.  During our learning circle, we each said something amazing we learned about each person.  Truly they were both amazing people.

I hope to never hear ugly words out of your mouth about someone who works so incredibly hard for our country.  I want you to remember that not one president got us into the mess we are in....we got ourselves into it.  We decided to buy homes we could not afford and expect the bank to help us.  We spent more money than we had available.  We did this.  We did that.  But we love to blame.

Because God and Jesus have a lot more going on than running America, let's just pray that they guide our future president every step of the way.  And remember, the president was not born to Mary and named Jesus, so he will not be perfect.


Women for Women International.

You have to meet my new sister!  She is about the sweetest thing ever.  Once you see her face, you will melt as I have.  Her name is Marie.  I have her picture in my kitchen, because it seems to be where I spend most of my time.

Once we decided to adopt, I ordered about 10 books on Amazon.  One of the books I ordered was called, A Thousand Sisters.  I could not put the book down.  I read it every chance I got.  I reread parts that my brain could not process, because of the horrific circumstances.  The author, Lisa Shannon, ran many miles in support of sisters in this country.  She also went there to meet them all.  What an amazing person she truly is.

As soon as my book ended (about 6 weeks ago), I too had to have a sister through Women for Women International.  There are about 5 countries being helped through this organization.  It takes awhile to pair you up, so I was on pins and needles waiting for her info to arrive in the mail!  I only have to pay a measly $30 dollars a month to help her raise her 3 children and get education for the first time in her life.  Let's be real serious.  I can go out to breakfast with my two kiddos and spend more money once a month or I can build a relationship with a sister in a different country.  This sister happens to be one of Jesus's sisters as well and God's daughter, so there you have it, where can I sign up?

God doesn't ask us to help the widows, orphans, and homeless in their distress, he demands it.  My sister will be paired with me for a year, and in that year she will learn how to work for herself and provide for her family.  She will be able to save money and purchase safer flooring for her hut.  She will be a role model for her children. 

At a time when we happen to judge more than we do love, throw yourself into a different hobby.  Write your sister a letter, and ask her how life is going.  She may just tell you she doesn't know her age.  She is between 44-50.  She has never had a birthday.  She lives everyday to protect her three children and tries to give them just a single meal a day.  She may even tell you she has never heard the words Jesus and God before, and never knew they loved her more than anything.  She might learn that she has rights.  She may keep your letter and pictures with her where ever she goes, because she thinks you are the end all be all.  I happen to think my sister, Marie, is the cats pajamas.

Let us all remember that we must just love each other.  Don't judge your child's teacher unless you have taught in her classroom.  Don't wonder what certain people do with their money unless you live in a mud hut and gave away all your worldly possessions as Jesus instructed us to do.  We all sin, and because of that when you cast stones at others, your sin is brought to the forefront.  Just ask for forgiveness daily, and tell that sweet mom you bump into at the mall, that she is doing a great job.  She and you will be better for it.


The Adventures of a Stay at Home Mother.

I wanted to title this: Amanda and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, but then reality struck and I realized that there were a little bump in my day, but certainly nothing to cry about.

I have my nephew Cruz, because I beg for him on a daily basis, and my sister was tried of hearing it.

Yesterday was Ceal's first day of preschool.  I was not the mother there with a camera and husband in tow.  I was the mother there asking Cruz and Sebastian to get real for a second and quit pulling hair, and trying to rip Ceal off my body to enter the classroom.  No pictures needed.

Today, we needed to visit Gram Jo.  She lives in an Alzheimer's home that would scare the hiccups out of anyone.  You leave there never wanting to get old or if so having a back up plan.

We always go to Steak N Shake because Gram Jo be loving her some milk shakes.  You best believe I will be drinking milk shakes and eating fries everyday of my life when I am older.  I ordered 3 shakes and was on my way.

I had Cruz and Sebastian in the good double umbrella stroller that my best friend, Whit, let me borrow.  We cruised into Gram's place.  Most of the elderly there have lost their minds, literally.  I usually go with my little sister, Mackenzie.  I have tears in my eyes the whole time, not because of the reason you are thinking, but because Mackenzie talks to everyone there like they are totally with it.  When Dotty is selling the seat cushions from her couch, Mackenzie pulls out a buck and asks if she can buy it.  However, this time there was no Mackenzie.

I don't watch scary movies.  But say I did.  I would see this older woman at my Gram's place.  She has hair that needs to be brushed in a pony.  She scares me in a bad way.  I really love everyone there so I try to smile big.  Today she was on a mission.  A mission to steal my children.  She grabbed at Cruz.  I mean really grabbed him.  He screamed a scream you could hear miles away.  Then she went for Sebastian.  He thought she was crazy and jumped out of the stroller.  I mean he leaped forward and fell onto the ground.  So I am holding both my boys.  They are screaming for dear life as I am trying to run around the place away from Ms. Grabs a lot.  She is following me.  I am confused, because how does she get around this fast.  She is yelling, "but I just want to hold them."  Are you wondering where Ceal is?  Me too.  Ceal is standing on a chair screaming.  I have no more hands.  I finally get someone to help Ms. Grabs a lot.  The woman helping says, "She just really loves kids."  Super.  I feel horrible, because she has to be detained in the upper level.  She was in a bad place.  I am sweating from head to toe.  All my kids are screaming.

I take the kids to Gram's room but none of them will stop crying.  I try to put one on the bed and hold the other but there is no consoling them.  I mean screaming.  3 different workers tried to help me, but we were not calming them.  How was I going to leave you ask?  I had to put both boys in the stroller, and carry Ceal.  My undies were showing, I was sweating through my clothes, and of course no one helped with the doors to leave.  We were covered in milk shake, my shorts were falling down, and I couldn't get out the front door.  Don't worry, the beauty at the front desk was watching me the whole time. 

Ceal keeps asking me questions.  She will have nightmares about this, I am sure. 


Give 1 Save 1

 Do you just LOVE this shirt?  Umm, might be the most awesome shirt ever.
Not only is it adorable but it represents my future children's first home, and I helped bring a baby boy home buying this!!

I feel like a million bucks.  Yes, I helped bring a baby boy home buying this shirt.  He is on my refrigerator right now.  His big beautiful eyes stare at me every time I pull something out to eat (which is often)

So go on and head over to:   http://give1save1africa.blogspot.com/

Beth started this amazing idea to help families raise money to bring their children home.  She is about the most amazing person ever because 1) She is totally normal and funny.  2) She is selling these shirts for her adoption of this awesome baby boy who needs to get home asap and  3) She is full of love and wants to help other families bring children home who don't have a mommy or daddy.

 I pray for Beth at night.  She is a peach, if you ever met one.  I pray in my head, because my husband likes to go to bed wayy to early.  But I pray in a black gospel type of way.  And yes I am allowed to say this, because I have attended a predominately black church and funeral and had the most amazing experience.  The music and heart there is like none you have ever heard.  It will bring you to tears.  It will get you on your feet, jumping with your hands in the air.  I pray, "Lord, please bless Beth and keep her crazy fun ideas a brewing.  And please bring Your baby home to her so she can help love him to health and beyond."

So if you see me around, yes you will most likely see me wearing this shirt.  I have already worn it twice and I got it yesterday.  My husband called and asked if I was wearing it this morning and then he said, "Noooooo, this is going to be like when you wore the green dress (from Lottie Dottie Boutique) for weeks??"   And I said, "Exactly."  When I like something, you best believe I wear it all the time.  Yes, people I wash between wearings...okay sometimes I don't.