
Soccer Season.

We had a soccer party at our place to celebrate the season. You know how you hate being held? Well...All the girls fought over who got to hold you! Yea! No, you hated it. They picked you up, danced with you, and tried to play with you. You held your own though. Rachel took over your chair and you sure pushed your way through.

We had a blast. We went to the top of our building and to the zoo.

My girls were believed in, and through this proved their ability to accomplish an amazing soccer season. They have never played with a soccer ball before and beat every other team in the AYSO league. Imagine how many other kids should be given a change to play organized sports. We laughed, cried, yelled, high-fived, encouraged, hugged, uplifted, smacked, ran over, and congratulated each other throughout the season. We laughed when Ashlee would maul a girl for thinking she could kick the ball on the field, or when she told the ref what was really going to happen. We cried when Mrs. Larner, Mills, and Randolph made us run too much which led to throwing up or lack of air supply. We yelled at each other when practice got a little ugly, and we were at our wits end. We high-fived every time we ran laps. We encouraged each teammate to keep going. We hugged each other every practice and game. We uplifted each other when we made a wrong move. We smacked each other when we had to much energy which led to being chased around the field. We were thrown in garbage cans by our coaches when we ran our mouths, mostly about their age. We ran over the poor girls who played against us, to prove our lack of fear. We congratulated each other when we needed it.

I will never forget this season. I love this girls so much. I am so blessed to have met, taught, been taught by, and coached these girls. They come into my room each morning and never leave the day without wanting food, candy, or just a hug. Every morning they will ask, "How is Cealy Mrs. Larner?" and they are 11. It is amazing that they are so mature. I sudo adopted many of them and they call me mom. My dream is to adopt brothers and sisters for you Ceal. It is a dream that I pray will come true.

15 Months.

Ceal is making us work around here 24-7. She is a wild woman. She likes to climb on everything. This includes chairs, the couch, her cart, the walls...pretty much everything. She loves to watch football and show touchdown. She waves to everyone
we pass and you will wave back or she will show you her mean eyes, which are scary.

Ceal says no-no to most everything, because she knows she shouldn't be doing most things. She throws her food and while in motion she says, "No No No No!" Super. She knows where her ears, mouth, nose, hair, and eyes are. In the morning, she will sign milk and food to you the second you walk in her room. Just in case you thought you could get away with something else before she got to eat. She loves reading more than anything in the world. She won't watch TV for anything. If I am cleaning, she will open her books and read until I get done. We have certain books that go to music on my computer. When I play the music, she will find the books and run them over to me. Anyone who visits gets to read to her the WHOLE time. See below.

Mandy is super fun! She always looks amazing, which makes me get out of my sweats before she comes over. UGG. She brings me wine and I make her tacos. I have never cooked anything else for her, and I am pretty sure she thinks this is all I can cook! We love love her, because she is funny, normal, watches the same TV we do, likes to play with you, and is a part of the family. She is your Aunt Courtney's sister in law, which makes her my sister in law, just ask anyone who I run into that she knows...

This is our favorite bridge to walk under.

Why do you feel the need to climb this at the park? Shame on the fool who built this thing anyway. Death trap.

You now like to swing while looking up at the trees and pointing at the planes.