
Sebastian's Murmur.

Some of you may know, my sweet little Sebastian was born with a murmur. Many children are, but they close soon after birth. However, My little little Sebastian's heart was not closing, and appointment after appointment, the doctor said, we will send him to a pediatric cardiologist, and see if it needs closed.

I tried with all my might to stay positive. I prayed and prayed. I thought about it often but then I gave it to God. After my last appointment I was angry with God. "How could you not listen to me, after I have been asking for so long?"

My appointment was today. I felt sick. My sister Mackenzie went with me and took care of my sweet Cecilia. Of course the two of them kept most of my thoughts on funny things. Cealy is semi-potty trained but I sure just took her without a diaper so Mackenzie had trips to the bathroom that were unsuccessful but funny for me.

The doctor was a peach in a half. She said let's take a look at his heart on ultrasound, and we will see if we need further appointments. She was very laid back, and I was already thankful I was in her hands.

The ultrasound technician, was an angel. Her name was Nancy, and by all accounts she was send from God to be in that room. I would have believed that she was an actual angel that flew back up to heaven after we were through, but my mom knows and loves her and so she is said to be real. Nancy is confident and happy. She loves her job and it shows. Sebastian smiled at her the whole time, and she took my mind off my sweet son's heart. Nancy talked about anxiety and not worrying about what tomorrow will bring or what we cannot control. "More adults would be cured of cancer like these children I see everyday, if they would not think about having cancer every minute. If we would all act like children at times, we would see that life is fun and not worry so much." When I told her I was going to be 30 soon, she lit up, "Are you excited?" I have never been asked that, but yes, I think I am. She said she loved being in her 40's. She has lived and learned, and has mental clarity. She makes getting older seem like a gift, and shouldn't it be?

After a wonderful conversation, the doctor came in and said it closed. "What closed?" His heart murmur is gone, she said, and it closed all on its own.

I thought the best news I would receive would be that Sebastian would not have to have surgery. I prayed that God put his hand on Sebastian's heart, and he did.

God also brought me Nancy today.

Today was a day that makes the ugly or bad days all worth it. A day that is better than being on vacation in the sun. A day where I learned how to be patient in waiting on God's answer. And a day where I was able to meet someone that passed on a great life lesson.

Isaiah 64:4 God works on behalf of the ones that wait for him.

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