
Adopting Out of Birth Order.

What?  What did you say?

Yes, this can be a big 'No, No' to many, but works for us.  This is situational.

I remember our social worker's first visit.  She asked about birth order and how much it mattered and I remember then that it did not matter to us.

Then a year later our precious daughter comes into our lives and is older than our oldest child, Cecilia.  We did not have to think about the decision.  We knew God presented her to us.  It was an absolute yes!

For some families it works and for some families it does not work.  I have read many places where people are very against this idea and others where it works for their family.  It is definitely a family by family situation.  Are you worried about your child losing their place in the family?  Losing their identity? 

Our oldest child is not territorial.  She is not strong willed.  She loves older children and thinks following them around and learning from them is about the coolest thing ever.  We have always taught her from day one that nothing in this house is hers (yes, that may sound harsh) but Jesus has loaned it to us.  She also knows her place in our family.  She is our daughter, as is "B," who is very far away from us right now.

Now before you think I am somehow calling your older child stubborn or cruel, I most definitely am not.  I know many amazing, smart, kind-hearted, territorial, oldest child in the family type kids and they are about the cutest kids on the planet.  I also am certainly not bragging as if you saw me at My Gym today I left crying and upset as my son pushed down a baby for the 2nd time, and could have cared less about time-out.  It just so happens that God graced us with a first born who is sooo excited to share her room that she has drawers empty already and her sister will not be home for a long time.

You know your family.  We will have a huge learning curve.  It will not be easy, but the best things in life never are.  God Bless.

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