
Jesus's Expectation.

A friend messaged me today with this verse.  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. -Galatians 6:9  She constantly shows her support with just a sweet note of acknowledgment or prayer.  We were close in high school, and have not seen much of each other since.  What a mighty friend to have and a true blessing.

I read Mark today as my children were napping.  Jesus expects us to stand up for what is right and what is good.  It is an expectation.  You are supposed to be slow to anger unless someone is being treated unfairly.  Orphans deserve to be de-orphanized.  They deserve a mother or father or both.  They deserve the right to have meals with their family, laugh with their sister, or tackle their brother. They deserve a bedtime.  They deserve a soft place to fall.

Our agency director just got back from the country in which we are adopting.  She visited a couple of orphanages while she was there.  One had 5 children die the week before from starvation.  FIVE.  5 children died from no food last week in one orphanage alone.  I am in a panic when Sebastian has not eaten between his nap and dinner.  I can't seem to process this tonight as my children sleep.  Five of God's children died hungry.

I will fight for my children to get home, and then I will continue to fight for all children to get home.  And if I annoy anyone in the process, so be it.  It is His expectation.

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