
Be a Witness.

Sunday was an amazing service.  There are times when I feel I was suppose to be right where I am, at that moment, in that time...exactly.  The sermon was about being a witness.  Be a witness for God.  Stop looking up into Heaven and wondering when you will see him.  Look into the faces of those people around you, because he is right there.  He is right there inside your friend who does not necessary believe in him.  He is right there in the clerk's face when you are tapping your foot and not making eye contact in order to hurry her up.  There is a book that I do not remember the title to, but has testimony of various people bearing witness around them.  The woman working in the inner city.  The man educating in Africa.  The taxi cab driver's story:

It was 2:30am when he got a call.  He figured he was going to pick up some late night partiers? He pulled into the driveway, honked once and was about to pull away.  Something told him to go to the door and he did.  There stood an elderly frail woman with a suitcase.  "Can you take me to the hospital?"  And so the taxi cab driver took her suitcase and helped her into the car.  "Could you take me through downtown first?"  "Well sure, but that is not the fastest route?"  He answered.  "I am the last of my family, and my doctor has asked me to check into hospice. I have little time left, but I wanted to see some of the last places I was really happy."  And so the taxi driver turned the meter off and drove this woman around downtown.  They visited her dance studio where she danced as a little girl.  They went to the church were she married the love of her life.  When he dropped her off and the nurses came out to help her check in, she went to pay him.  He nodded for no money and said, "Mam, I was honored to take you around this morning, and I will remember this moment until I die."

He wrote that he was suppose to be there in that moment.  He was alive for that very reason, to bear witness to this woman's life.

Everyday is a gift.  I will continue to bear witness for God and Jesus as I live each day.  Looking into the faces of my children, showing them how to treat those around you, and seeing God and Jesus in everything we do.

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