
WSJ Find.

Noooo, I don't read this on the regular, but I sure do look for anything that interests me. 

This weekend, I read an article called, "Touch Teachers Get Results."  And while I may not agree with the whole thing, most if it was my style.  I was a tough teacher.  I sent home lots of work.  And believe me, I knew my parents had to do it as well.  That was the purpose.  I was hard on all of my kids.  They all knew I loved them.  I pushed them, because they were worth it.  This week one of my first students called me to tell me she was eligible for any high school in Chicago.  "What!?!"  "Oh yes, I am and I haven't even told my mom, I am calling you first."  Talk about the sweetest things in life.  I will remember that moment forever.  I had tears in my eyes, while listening to her talk all about which ones she liked best.  This precious child came into my classroom reading well below grade level.  She left reading at grade level, because she was a hard worker.  She put in the time.  Her life will always remind me that hard work and discipline pays off.

As I was reading, "Tough Teachers Get Results," I was taking notes.  I still anticipate getting back to the classroom.  But God also had another plan for me.  I was to read this for parenting help as well.  One of the strategies was telling a child they are "a hard worker," and not telling a child they are smart.  There is something very wise about that.  Being told you are smart leads you to believe that you can't make mistakes or struggle.  Being told you are smart and then failing sends you into a downward tailspin.  "I can't fail if I am smart, I must not be smart."  But if you are constantly told you are a hard worker, then struggling makes sense.  Because hard workers struggle.  They work until they get it right and a lot of times it takes failing to get it right.  I always catch myself telling Cecilia she is smart all the time.  Now when she finishes a puzzle or "reads" through her books, I tell her she is "such a hard worker, and hard workers can do anything!"  Today we raked the leaves and when we finished she looked at me and said, "We are such hard workers, we did all that!"  Yep, love me so good articles that help me encourage our children better. 

*This week was beautiful.  I am talking sun a shining, outside everyday, people smiling, beautiful.  I am so grateful for this beautiful life.  So thankful to God for His unfailing love.  Mackenzie staying with us these past 3 weeks have been more fun than I put into words.  It is so much fun to have a baby around again.  Baby swings, bouncers, and baby toys all over the house.  Yep, I am that crazy chick who loves baby stuff around.  Praying always for our precious children so far away.  Praying that if God needs this time to work on other things through them or me that I have the courage to wait, for however long that may be...  

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