
Our Children's Eyes.

Oh be careful little eyes what you see, Oh be careful little eyes what you see, because the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.

This is a little piece from a song we play from time to time.  I always let this song sink in, as it really is teaching me a message.  It is important to remember that children should stay children and not see, hear, or experience adult things.

I learn this lesson daily.  I mess up and remember not to do it again.  (Personally I love rap and pop music and Cealy loves to jam to it as well) We do not watch a lot of television.  We do not watch the news or any adult tv.  So when my sisters went to a movie on Saturday I was appauled at what they told me.  They went to see a scary movie that involved torture, rape, stabbing, and murder.  And a three year old boy was there watching this movie as well.  My younger sister decided that the situation needed to be addressed.  When she confronted the father, he cussed at her and went on his way.  Love that maturity.

Little children cannot process adult things.  Every morning I had community circle with my students.  The first few months of school our topic was surface level info.  What was your favorite thing you did this weekend?  What did you eat for dinner last night?  Then I asked them what they wanted to talk about.  And they would always bring up something they saw on the news or tv.  They had questions.  They sure did watch the news with an adult, but they did not discuss what they saw.  My personal most shocked moment was when a bunch of my boys asked me about a certain scene in a Rated R movie.  Third grade?  The news is not any better.  Murder, shootings, and so on.  Lets not get it twisted the news does not highlight a family working at a shelter on Saturday night.

So you can walk away from this blog, and say Ebaneezers Sneezers this girl thinks she is the bees knees of mommys.  I can assure I don't think I am and I learn daily how to better my parenting, but I know this for sure, we should be very careful what our children watch and see.

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