

I am angry.  There, I said it.

I am angry.  How about that?  You ask, "How are you doing?"  And I respond:

"I am angry." or

"I have not unpacked my bags from my canceled trip, so I have like 3 outfits I wear over and over." or

"My children don't have their mother or father with them.  It pains me." or

"I talked to my girlfriend last night who has waited for her only child to get home for two years.  Yep, IVF failed her, and all she wants to do is be a mother." or

"I am angry with the state department, they are no help at all. It has become comical."  or

"Judgmental Judy is at it again.  She degrades families for adopting, and paints everyone with the same brush. She even went as far to tell a family they deserve their heartache."  or

"The lack of compassion that can come from people who have internationally adopted truly astounds me." or

"It is shocking that people think the Internet is a way to anonymously tear people down." or

"I cried myself to sleep last night, because I need to be two places at once."  or

"I was shouting, yes shouting at God this morning. And now, I am terrified for my life."

And you're all like, "Dang, I didn't need to know all that."

There are days I choose to live with joy...and there are days I am angry.  Truth.

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