

Sebastian and Ceal have been keeping me busy.  Sebastian doesn't sit ever.  Not ever.  He runs from one thing to the next and climbs everything.  He loves to hit and seems to love time out.  He smiles the whole way there and during.  I often get, "Mam, your son is standing in the cart," or "Mam, your son is climbing over the cart,"  and often times I do the polite wave and smug smile because how do you keep Houdini in the cart?  Somehow this child can suck his chub belly in enough to shimy out of any buckle.

Everything about him makes me smile.

You buy each kid a cup.  Cealy likes Dora and Sebastian likes throwing baseballs at my face so I got him a sports cup and what do you know?  They want eachothers'.

One of my girlfriends has a bounce house in her basement and doesn't mind having 10 kids running around her house.  I love this chick.

Cealy had one of her besties over Saturday and she is Sebastian's favorite too.  Ella plays and laughs with Sebastian the whole time.

 Cealy is a cleaner.  Love every second of it.  I told her she was getting more chores so we could support more children with Childfund and she has been a peach about cleaning up.  Her heart is amazing.  She always has 15 babies and is holding her baby's car seat while walking around, girl after my own heart.
My heart hurts when I think about our boys.  I just want them home.  It is hard.  It is hard talking about them, answering questions, and just looking at their pictures.  God asks us to go to the hard places.  He never promised following Him and His son would be easy.  And just when I want to cry, I get a text from a friend that says she is praying for our sweet boys.  Or I open their closet and see the clothes and toys that await them.  So many people love our precious boys.  Thank you.

Grandpa Steve having fun swinging.  Both of them could swing for hours and cry when I make them do something different.

Anytime we can eat on the porch we do!

Here is my go to!  Some crackers with peanut butter and jelly is the jam!!

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