
Happy Birthday!

Real Quick Side note:  You must see what I saw when I came downstairs from putting Sebastian down for his nap...She sure is 3 and opened the refrigerator looked around for something yummy and came up with this...on her own.   Eww.

Oh and please look below at how Sebastian managed to play with Ceal's dollhouse.  He pulled it over there...strongest child ever.

My amazing nephew and husband had birthdays. 

Cruz Christian is officially 2 years old.  He still calls me Mommy, and I sure don't correct him.
Favorites: Ellie the Elephant, Cealy, Turning the water on and then off over and over, Wagon Rides. Waffles, Cookies, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Purple Phone, Smirking, Computers, and Minny, and maybe Sebastian on a good day. 

Love.My.Cruz.  He is hilarious, but don't mess around with his snacks.  A gorilla comes out.  He runs around the house calling for Mommy and Ceal or Sebastian and I love every minute of it.  He has fears.  Don't pull a balloon or bird out of your pocket, unless you want to hear a wail.  There are times when I can seriously pull my hair out with all 3 of them pulling me in different directions, and then a smile emerges.  He has me wrapped around that finger, but you better believe he visits time out with the best of them.  The other day Cruz said, stop it to me, and I said, "What did you say?"  Cealy answered, "He said he loves you."  And it begins already...

Cealy ran around the house on her Purple Phone saying, "Hi, I'm 31 today."  Slow down, really.  Danny and I have been together for quite a long time.  There is no more, "I did this when I was younger,"  while the other person learns something new about their sweetheart.  We.Know.Everything.  It is a blessing.  We are definitely best friends.  He is friends with my best friends.  How fun is that?  I mean he grew up with my family and my best friends.  He takes my sister lunch during the week...and I was wondering why he was her favorite.

Danny works harder than anyone I have even known.  Anyone.  He wakes up early, comes home late, and dives into Daddy mode.  He is Cealy's favorite person on the planet.  "Can I have Daddy's special juice?"  "Daddy's juice, so did he squeeze this juice or did I pick it up from the store?"  Anytime Sebastian is crying, she sure tells him, "Don't worry Daddy will be home soon."  They say, "Goodnight Best Friend" to each other.  Enough Said.   My heart melts.  I could ask for nothing sweeter. 

He is the Best Man I know.  We are exact opposites...a very good thing.   I run around the grocery wondering what I need and he brings a list.  He likes to start at the front of the grocery, and I like to pick a different isle each time...(Don't want to get bored, you know?)  I like to dance to the music in the grocery while he wonders what awful music is playing.  I told him I would cut the yard once, and stopped halfway.  He never said anything, just came home shook his head and finished the job.  He tells me I am too skinny (BHAA!), could anyone be more delicious?  I am telling you, he is the best.  I love this man.  Happy 31 to you!

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