
It's a Boy.

I am shocked. During the ultrasound, I knew I would find out my precious baby was a girl. Please remember, I was sure Cecilia was a boy, so I am really good at these things. Danny was pumped. We would have been so happy to have another girl. Ceal is the best kid ever, and I couldn't ask for anything more. So to add a boy to the mix is being blessed beyond measure! I don't know much about boys. I thought I would always be a mom to a bunch of girls. After my shock wore off, I got super excited and started to plan his room. I got my Land Of Nod mag and Ikea and created a stellar boy room. I told Ceal her brother was in my stomach, but I didn't want to freak her out too much, so by her reaction I think I will just bring him home and show him to her later on.

I am still very tired. I don't remember being this tired with Ceal. However, I got to come home from school and crash. One of my teacher friends knew I was having a boy, because I look very different. My sister Aisha also thought I was having a boy, because we had the exact same symptoms. We were sick starting at 5 weeks to 17 weeks. We also had bad headaches. I still have these mean things, and take Tylenol like hot tamales.

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