
Am I Worthy? Thinking about adoption?

Absolutely not.

Who is worthy of God's most beautiful treasures?

Children are God's greatest gifts in my experience. It doesn't matter how they come to be yours. God will choose who is in your family, and that gift will be your greatest gift of all time. The one you thank God for the most when you meet Him.

Sometimes, I feel like people may think that because I adopted I must be some upstanding citizen. "Oh bless you child," I once heard, to which I responded, "Ha!" No way does she passes double yellow lines when someone is driving so slow she is pulling her hair and yelling. No way is she always late to school, and loses at least one child at drop off? She must never make mistakes? I bet she never yells? I bet she never forgets to make lunch? I bet she doesn't lay on the couch with a headache and demand playtime in bedrooms for the hour? I bet she is Mrs. Dugger (whom I love) and never raises her voice? I bet she says all the right things?

My answer is, I mess up all the time. You must not be perfect to adopt. You must be ready to love.

Not everyone is called to adopt. However, the more I spend time with my children, the more I want to be an adoption advocate. Not because it is easy, but because I am better for it. My children make me sweeter, smarter, more loving, outgoing, sillier, and all the better, because I am their mother. They push me to be better. And my throat tightens up when I think about my children without me as their mother. Not because I am perfect or even newsworthy. But because they are awesome, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I always wanted to adopt." I love that about people. They share their passions and regrets with me. Even strangers.

Please, if this is something on your heart, go for it. Children deserve families, and you will be better for it.

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