
The innocence of my Ceal.

I love the innocence of a two year old. I love the small things that make them so happy. I love how going to home depot is like going to Disney.

Ceal is so innocent. She is asking so many questions lately. She tells me it makes her "kinda sad" when I ask her to clean the book room or help fold the laundry. I can't help laughing, giving her a kiss, and then making her clean the book room.

Her imagination is so fun. We do not watch T.V. during the day, so when I am off cooking or cleaning, she has to think of all the different things to do. At first I always felt she must be so bored, or I need to give her something to do, but then I started watching her make things up.

I just love two years old. She will be three in July, and I hope this innocence continues for a long time.

She just saw a picture of her friend, Taylor, whom she prays for every night. Taylor had on a mask on the playground, because she is fighting cancer. Ceal said, "Mommy, I want a mask. Please mommy, I want one. Taylor is so cute, Mommy." Taylor is beyond cute.

I have been telling Ceal all I can about Taylor. She asks about her often, because we pray often. Then we went to Drew's (Taylor's cousin) house today, and Ceal said, "But Taylor won't be at Drew's mommy?" And I said, "Not today Ceal, but soon, very soon."

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