
A lesson on Easter.

Easter morning was difficult, because I felt Ceal needed to see her grandparents. I was sad we were not in Indy. We had a lot to do in our place like unpack and clean up. In the morning I talked to Danny about everything we “needed” and how Easter would not the same without baskets and candy. Before Ceal woke up, I went through the mail. I found a letter from my precious Belinda who lives in Zambia. She often writes to tell me how thankful she is for Danny and I. We send her money each month so that she can eat meals, go to school, and wear clothes and shoes. We sent her an extra special gift at Christmas, but I didn’t think she received it, because she never mentioned it. I forgot how long it took to get to her. So I got her thank you letter on Easter morning.

“We were remembered by God through you. I bought my first mattress to sleep on. I bought new shoes for school and blankets for my family to use. I have nothing for you. I can only send my love through Jesus.” I love you, Belinda

So I cried and read the letter over and over. She also sent a picture of herself standing in front of everything she was able to buy. A little girl in the middle school grades who wanted a mattress so she could sleep easier. So this was my Easter gift. A lesson from Jesus and Belinda that “things” are never really needed. Third World countries ask for clean water and blankets, not Easter baskets and candy. A great lesson learned on Easter morning.

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