Summer is coming to an end and I could cry thinking about it. I am not the girl who loves cool weather. I love hot. I love water. I love being outside without bees.
Some ramblings: What I ramble?
Taking pictures is a stretch around here. I am that busy. I don't take my phone to the pool, because Sebastian throws everything in, including my keys. Then something is too cute and I have no camera. Or I am running after the boys and just when they settle and a pic is warranted, my phone is lost.
Cealy started school two days a week. I am lame and would rather have her home. Just to get out of the house with all 3 and drop her off is chaos. We are working on this.
I tried to join a marketplace on FB for things to buy around me secondhand and the drama was unreal. Women were arguing and making fun of one another. I just wanted a triple stroller that wasn't over $300.00, someone help me find one please??
Cealy started soccer with Drew and Taylor. Can I tell you how much I love these children? They are so yummy. Yesterday was a mock game. Cealy was sucking on her hair. She did not run after the ball. She watched everyone else. When I asked her why she wasn't helping her team, she said her ball wasn't on the field. What?!? I thought I told you there is only one ball. While she is playing Sebastian is picking up the cones the coach put up to mark off the field. Then he is using them as a microphone and running around screaming into them. The time is about 6:30 and I would love wine.
Someone said in passing to a loved one of mine that adopting a black child "seems to be the cool thing to do. People want to look cool." I usually don't address complete idiocy. I will say that unless you have witnessed a country,
any country, with children dying from starvation or preventable diseases or lack of care please oh please do not comment with such lack of understanding. And please oh please do not say something so senseless around me. I tend to be a bit crazy when protecting my family.
I have the BEST NEWS to share with you soon. The BEST. Praise God. Praise Jesus.
This is a typical park experience. Sebastian looks around for the scariest thing he can do...Then the next time goes head first for the thrill. |
Soccer. Drew was dancing here. Sebastian is not on the team, but don't tell him that. |
We have a lock on the basement door that does not keep Sebastian out. |
One of our typical nights at Poske's. Just watching a late night movie. |
Still one of our best purchases. Jump children, jump away. |
Visiting my girlfriend, Jaime's baby! She is way smaller than Sebastian and Cealy were and she slept away in my arms. Love. |
Is there a cuter 91-year-old woman on the planet? She is my favorite. |
What?!? Yes, we are out without our pups. White party providing bags full of toys for children battling cancer. |
Celebrating Nana's birthday! Deb has an entire room devoted for her grandbabies. Cealy runs downstairs and pulls out all of her princess stuff. I love precious days where we roam around as a family, run errands, go to the park, and visit our loved ones. |
Cruz at My Gym. He kept saying, "Look at me Manny, I am so strong!" |
Oh the help while baking. They argue over who gets to stir and who gets to pour in the ingredients. Please notice Sebastian is not in matching pajamas. It does not happen around here unless you can dress yourself. |
My little sister is home (highlight of my year) and has my niece,
Amelie. Sebastian does not leave her alone, ever. He is obsessed. One time, she sneezed on him and he looked like he was going in for a smack. Then he wiped her sneeze on her shirt. Hilarious. I
love, love her. |
A camping we will go! Definitely one of my favorite weekends. All of our tents are in a circle and we build a huge play/food/sit area in the middle. It is Cealy's favorite vacation. We go with the most amazing-fun-loving-hilarious-adventurous people. We eat fried food all weekend. We drive golf carts and listen to blues concerts. One night Kristin said to jump on the golf cart, because she was taking us somewhere. She ended up driving my cousin Jess, me, Amanda, and herself to a haunted house at the top of the hill. Real life haunted house in August. There was an old woman rocking in a chair at the front. Then a man came running out with fake blood on him and Kristin stopped the golf cart so he could get me. I was screaming and laughing. I will get her back. |
Aunt Jess helping with me crew. Sebastian rocked his chair until it fell and he could get out. |
Marm and MiMi. They are about the best you could ever ask for. Just when I wanted to stick the kids inside the tent and lock it up, they would come to the rescue and take the kids on a golf cart adventure. |
Wouldn't you know it, Marm tries to prepare Sebastian for the picture...Sebastian followed Grandpa around the whole time. |
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