
Getting Organized!

My picture would not be next to the definition, that is for sure.

When I taught in Chicago, I learned from my mentor teacher how to be very organized.  It helped tremendously.  If you wanted any information about one of my students, all you had to do was open a binder with their name on my desk and it listed all their strengths and weaknesses.  Then I decided to stay at home with my chicklits and well although I like a clean home, organized is not in the recipe.

When my older sister comes to pick up Cruz she always runs to my pantry and puts everything into place.  She made a pasta corner, I love this chick.

So becoming a mother to 5 precious babes, I needed to get much more organized.  I started thinking about everything that was a doozy in this house.
  1. Laundry- Yes. I will be doing it everyday.  Now, I run around the house and carry down ridiculous baskets everywhere.  I realized this was not going to work.  I need to make a day for everything (towels, sheets, clothes, etc) and I need to have bins with bags.  This way laundry can also be a chore for my kids.  Lugging a bag full or laundry is much easier than trying not to fall down the stairs with a basket.  Oh how I wish my laundry room was upstairs.  {Insert sad face here}
  2. Closets- Yikes.  My 3 boys will be sharing.  I don't trust a dresser with Sebastian.  I won't tell you the story so that there are not a bunch of dressers waiting for trash pick-up, but trust me no dressers.  I will only produce after pictures here.  Just picture my sister's face when looking inside and seeing clothes on the floor.  When I started I had cute navy bins everywhere.  Guess what?  You can't see inside them.  I can't remember my sock drawer, no way was I remembering which bin had what in it.  So I kept two for toys and purchased clear bins for clothes.  Oh and I would like to thank the delicious family who built this house.  Thank you for making closets desirable.

  3.  3. Leaving the home- My bestie, Whitney, is insanely organized.  She has a chart for her kids people.  So at times  I watch her techniques.  While I throw 3 sippy cups the size of my diaper bag into my diaper bag, she brings along dixie cups and a water bottle.  She will put in lemonade or water.  Then when the kids are thirsty she just pours them a drink.  Ummmm, genius?  So I went out and bought 5 boxes of dixie cups and a couple of water bottles.  Environmentally conscious?  No.  I have to make life simpler over here. 

    4.   Toys- I am pretty organized with our toys.  I have certain bins for puzzles, trains, play food, etc.  No I don't have a label on them.  Aisha would rather I did, but that is for crazy folk.

    5.  Other ideas?  Please email me or comment below.  I need help!  When our daughter gets home, I will be homeschooling.  Yes, I said the word.  Anything you do to make life easier, I need to know.  And don't assume I know any of your ways.  Yes, my mother was organized growing up, but I am the least observant person you will ever meet.

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