
Women for Women International.

You have to meet my new sister!  She is about the sweetest thing ever.  Once you see her face, you will melt as I have.  Her name is Marie.  I have her picture in my kitchen, because it seems to be where I spend most of my time.

Once we decided to adopt, I ordered about 10 books on Amazon.  One of the books I ordered was called, A Thousand Sisters.  I could not put the book down.  I read it every chance I got.  I reread parts that my brain could not process, because of the horrific circumstances.  The author, Lisa Shannon, ran many miles in support of sisters in this country.  She also went there to meet them all.  What an amazing person she truly is.

As soon as my book ended (about 6 weeks ago), I too had to have a sister through Women for Women International.  There are about 5 countries being helped through this organization.  It takes awhile to pair you up, so I was on pins and needles waiting for her info to arrive in the mail!  I only have to pay a measly $30 dollars a month to help her raise her 3 children and get education for the first time in her life.  Let's be real serious.  I can go out to breakfast with my two kiddos and spend more money once a month or I can build a relationship with a sister in a different country.  This sister happens to be one of Jesus's sisters as well and God's daughter, so there you have it, where can I sign up?

God doesn't ask us to help the widows, orphans, and homeless in their distress, he demands it.  My sister will be paired with me for a year, and in that year she will learn how to work for herself and provide for her family.  She will be able to save money and purchase safer flooring for her hut.  She will be a role model for her children. 

At a time when we happen to judge more than we do love, throw yourself into a different hobby.  Write your sister a letter, and ask her how life is going.  She may just tell you she doesn't know her age.  She is between 44-50.  She has never had a birthday.  She lives everyday to protect her three children and tries to give them just a single meal a day.  She may even tell you she has never heard the words Jesus and God before, and never knew they loved her more than anything.  She might learn that she has rights.  She may keep your letter and pictures with her where ever she goes, because she thinks you are the end all be all.  I happen to think my sister, Marie, is the cats pajamas.

Let us all remember that we must just love each other.  Don't judge your child's teacher unless you have taught in her classroom.  Don't wonder what certain people do with their money unless you live in a mud hut and gave away all your worldly possessions as Jesus instructed us to do.  We all sin, and because of that when you cast stones at others, your sin is brought to the forefront.  Just ask for forgiveness daily, and tell that sweet mom you bump into at the mall, that she is doing a great job.  She and you will be better for it.

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