
Mr. President.

Oh dear children.  Please hear me.  I want you to remember how your father and I brought you up.  I am afraid you will be one of the facebook people I absolutely want to delete but can't.

Please do not ever and I mean ever talk poorly or disrepectfully of someone who has such a frightening job...one that you could never imagine the scrutiny.

Growing up, I certainly did not hear my parents ever talk ill of our president.  I must have thought that my parents voted for every president or just really loved them.  Now I realize they had respect for whomever was in position to run our country.

I for one love Barack Obama and would run and hug him any day of the week.  I might have a large newspaper framed with him winning in my house.  My husband would definitely shake his hand but maybe skip all the, "I love yous." Yes, we are oh so very different, but my wonderful husband has never spoken a bad word about him.

When Barack ran for president I was working at my precious school that I love so much.  My children only wanted Barack Obama to win and could not stand the thought of "the other white candidate" winning.  I went out and bought two books for us to read.  One was titled, Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope.  The other was titled, My Dad, John McCain.  Oh did we learn.  We learned so many great things about each candidate.  During our learning circle, we each said something amazing we learned about each person.  Truly they were both amazing people.

I hope to never hear ugly words out of your mouth about someone who works so incredibly hard for our country.  I want you to remember that not one president got us into the mess we are in....we got ourselves into it.  We decided to buy homes we could not afford and expect the bank to help us.  We spent more money than we had available.  We did this.  We did that.  But we love to blame.

Because God and Jesus have a lot more going on than running America, let's just pray that they guide our future president every step of the way.  And remember, the president was not born to Mary and named Jesus, so he will not be perfect.

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