Oh, this precious boy of mine is trouble. I know you have heard that you buy children toys and they want to play with the box the toys came in...
Well my son just wants to play in anything that is off limits. Anything...
You cannot leave the room for a millisecond. Real life.
At this point he doesn't know that I see him. |
Well hello. |
Let's see if I can fit. |
"This vent is perfect for me to play with"
"That TV looks like a lot of money, perfect for me to pound on"
"This block looks like it would really hurt if I threw it at my mother's face"
"I don't like that chair right side up, I'll just flip it"
Remember Darla from Finding Nemo. Sebastian is real life Darla to our precious fish. |
So Ceal is my big helper. She loves vacuum. Here is the kicker. I didn't know how annoying I was until she started vacuuming. "Excuse me!! Can you move this ball so I can vacuum. Excuse me!! Mom, can you clean this room up, cause I need to vacuum." I was like Oh so I am that annoying when I vacuum. | | | |
I just want to make sure I remember what my kitchen looked like when I cooked dinner at night. How do you clean and cook and play with your kids? You don't. Something has to go, cleaning it is... |
Really the grocery is not bad with my kiddos. Cruz is usually a peach, not this last time, but I'll give him a credit. This trip Cealy needed to go potty at the exact moment I placed my LAST item on the conveyor belt at check out. "Hey, sorry can you just wait, and ummm mam could you move please because I need to back my cart alllll the way out to hit the restrooms up." |
Just running some errands while Cealy and Sebastian run laps. |
They wrestle more than they play with toys... |
So a girlfriend of mine and I had a hilarious convo about the car. Once you put the kiddos in and strap them up, it's like "I'm free! I am really free! Should I get some cleaning done? Eat?" Oh the things you can accomplish...jk. |
Back to his favorite toy. |
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