
Okay, we are
So many of you ask it, so I'll tell you. And I mean, so many of you. At least once a week, someone close to me says, "I just tell you darling, you are crazy."
I get it.
I pull my hair out now.
I have two of the most precious children on the earth. They laugh, jump, fall, cry, run, crawl, and well drive me
crazy. Just visiting with a friend today I tried to hold Sebastian while he was willed himself to leap out of my arms...Ceal is crying at a high octave about the scary dogs and also wants her snack I brought her.
It is so much work. And it is hard work. I ask for guidance everyday.
And you ask, Are we
crazy? Two more? Are you sure?
I have to think to myself. Are we
Then I have to think about everyone I really admire and respect. The people I put on a pedestal (not the one in which I put God and Jesus) but those on earth that really are amazing. Well, they have been called
crazy too. The book,
Crazy Love, by Francis Chan explains that all of us with a deep love for God and His son, Jesus will be called to be
crazy. Francis Chan sold his house after his fourth child, not for a bigger and more spacious house to accompany his darling wife and children, but a smaller home. One that would keep the family closer and allow him and his wife to give more to others. And you can believe he was called
crazy. How about all those friends of Katie Davis who watched her win homecoming queen and then fly to Uganda and adopt 14 daughters by the age of 24. Yes, she was quite
crazy too. Now I will never reach the status of those two dear people, but I can at least try to follow some of the guidelines in which they live.
The word,
crazy sounded scary to me because I put it in the same category as one who would enter a mental hospital. One who would leave their child in the car when they went shopping in
ANY degrees. But the word for that is not
crazy. Maybe depressed, one without God and Jesus, or sick.
I for one know that adding any children to our family will be a lot of work. And for any of you that see me at the park, zoo, or at home know I already have a lot in my arms. But friends, I have a lot more room in my heart. I can be called
crazy by you and know that God is smiling, so I am better for it. I am not taking it personally, so no need to call and say you didn't mean it that way. I love you anyway.