You know...the kind of weeks where you are looking around for someone playing a prank on you, because you can't possibly have this kind of luck.
The kind of week where you are so angry at no moment in your adoption that you take it out on a fly in your home and spend the entire 2 hour nap time hunting it and then bashing the fly way past the point of death.
The kind of week where you are grocery shopping, packing all your meat at the bottom of your cart while opening the fruit snacks for your kiddos and then all your meat flies out of the bottom of the cart and you run over it... with all four wheels. And meat is everywhere and you still purchase it, because you have to.
The kind of week where you are so excited that you have a doctor's appointment even if it is super uncomfortable just because you get to catch up with People magazine. And then you hear your name and walk to the nurse calling you and the woman behind you says, "Hey, that's my name." And then I have to sit back down because my last name is not Wright anymore. But how do you explain that to everyone in the waiting room who thinks you should also see the head doctor next door.
The kind of week where you leave the mall with your daughter after taking her for a fun outing and then search for your van for an hour. "Now, let's see I thought I parked on this side of the mall. Cealy, did you see this store when we were walking in?"
The kind of week where Sebastian has put me at my breaking point every minute of the day. Running left when I say right and quickly putting something in his mouth that he shouldn't just to see me squirm. Hiding so well when we are NOT playing hide and seek that I am crying and running around begging him to come out. And he is under the trampoline in the basement smiling.
The kind of week where you have to sleep on the floor and not your bed, because your back is pulled from some unknown 34-pound assailant.
The kind of week there you are so hungry that you are shaking and you sit down and eat an entire large bag of chocolate pretzels. Because that helped?
The kind of week when someone says, "You go out on the boat, you go to the pool, you have it made." And I want to pull their hair like Sebastian does when Ceal makes him mad. Because I praise God daily and am grateful, but having 3 kids on a boat and at the pool is anything but laid back. My mind is spinning. "Don't jump, don't breathe, don't wave to them, don't leave that step." The kind of week where you want your children to have a fabulous Summer, but you are barely blinking.
Just one of those weeks.
Last birthday party together? I think if they continue to want them together we will have big parties. Why not? |
Our nightly routine of playing basketball before bed. |
The highlight of my Summer, my cousin Jess coming home for 6 weeks before she is off to London to teach yet again for another year! |
Anytime we hang with Grandpam and Jess is always fun and full of adventure. Cealy still runs around yelling, "Echo Echo!" Because Grandpam yelled this under the bridge. |
Sebastian, please get off sissy's barbie cruise ship. Not a riding toy! |
Pop took us out on the boat for Cruz's first boat ride! Here is Sebastian driving with Pop and wearing his sissy's life jacket. |
Mother in training. "Now Cruz, don't move while the boat is on." |
Cruz called Pop, Papaw the whole time. Pop makes everyone feel loved and you would think he was your Pop too. |
Out on a night boat ride with our cousins. Tyler and Jake are so good with him. Jake played with him during the whole dinner and Sebastian was a happy boy! |
Cealy will swim all around by herself. Sebastian will get in if his daddy is in the water. |
Just enjoying a snack after swimming. |
Sebastian takes his T-Rex on walks. |
Highlight of Cealy's life: Build A Bear. Her first experience was an A+. We had a total blast until the bill... She made a Koala but named it Teddy? She never puts it down. It is her new best buddy. Apparently the koala was apart of some show on disney with a boy. The adorable helper asked her if she got it because she had a crush on the boy in this show. Are you real life? My 3 year old. No. |
Sassy can't breathe. Kenz remember that one? |
An actual game of hide and go seek. They did a great job. In all seriousness, Sebastian could enter a hide contest and never be found. He holds his breath to be quiet. It is hilarious. |
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