Awhile back, I removed myself from an online adoption group. I went there for support. In the beginning, I loved writing down the websites people recommended and buying the helpful books people shared. Too soon, parents started attacking one another. One mom thought she was president of the ethics committee, while another thought one way or hit that highway. If you are new to adoption, tread lightly in adoption groups. Most likely, your story will not match up to anyone else's anyway so hearing their words of wisdom may not be so helpful. You will watch people polish the stones they throw only forgetting what grace and humility looks like. I woke up one morning and checked my facebook. Super embarrassing that I just admitted to doing this when I woke up but here we go anyway. A FB friend was asking for prayers. Prayers that would hurt members of her adoption community because they didn't do things her way. Mean. Spend less time polishing and throwing your stones. You might have more time to do something you really love. Knitting? (I'd be terrible but would love a scarf if you do!) T25? (Kicks my flippin butt every time) Serving others? (I need to get on this bandwagon too) Love your neighbor, friends, geesh.
My two little mittens. Malachi likes to call me funny names, so I always think of something new to nickname him. |
Could you back off me buddy? |
My worker bee. She does everything for her brothers, this child of mine. |
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