What a Summer this is! We are having so much fun. Many times I ask God for strength, and boom I feel the motivation to run around the yard and play in the sprinkler again. I am reading the Bible. It is the best story ever written. I don't
have make time to read everyday, so this is going to take awhile, but after reading, I feel this serge of life. It is the same feeling I get when I am around one of my friends, Caroline. She has this amazing God given gift to speak life into me. She cleans our home, once a month, and while she is here I follow her around asking her for more stories. She can tell you things that God has done in her life that will make you a believer. She prays with me, and let me tell you I wish I could pray like this woman. She is such a gift.
Our 4 tigers, kitty cats, silly willies, or crazy kids as we sometimes call them are keeping me busy. Every time Sebastian gets in trouble, and I mean every time, he says, "Mommy, I'm just a silly willy." Sebastian is still hard. He sits in the think about it chair multiple times a day, and manages to scoot the chair across the room. He is so darn cute it pains me, but he is hard. Oh my lanta (Dominic's favorite saying) he is hard.
I fail and then I pick myself back up and try again. Our children are amazing. They are full of energy. I am writing each of them a letter when I make the time to sit down. I want them to know how special they are in this life. The changes each of them has made can bring me to tears talking about it. Cealy has really had to share her Mama, and does this with grace. She acknowledges her brothers when they do something well. She gets her jobs done, like buckling them in their seats, but don't forget to thank her. "Mommy, I buckled all 3 boys to make life easier, and you are still being cranky." Ha! Sebastian is still the wildest of them all, but he is getting better at giving more kisses and less "Eeks." We were having a little bit of trouble when Dominic and Malachi were first home with compassion. Not making fun of our friends or sister crying was a big deal to me. Now, Dominic runs up to whomever is hurt or upset and constantly asks, "Are you ok?" Bless his heart. Malachi and Dominic add so much sass and giggles to our family. Getting into the shower is about the funniest thing you will see around here. Booty smacking, dancing, giggling, and skipping all to get clean. They LOVE taking a shower. They cry out for me now when they are hurt. It is the best feeling. God is with me all day. There are times I choose to see Him and times I feel sorry for myself and wallow, but the majority of the time I know He is here.
I have changed some things up for sure. I use to have awesome placemats for each babe. They would argue over which one they got, and then eventually it would take me 15 extra minutes after every meal to clean them up. So now, I offend every paper concious person in this world by giving them each a piece of construction paper to draw on while I make food. They are creating their meal mats for the day. They eat on them, and cover your eyes, I throw them away after the last meal of the day. Yep. It works.
I would love to say I drew these with Sebastian. I did not. My cousin, Jessica, drew it all with him. |
Brother and Sister. Oh my word, I love these two. |
Visiting the sweetest Mamaw you will ever lay eyes on. Taking 4 babes to the nursing home is a No, ladies. Save your sanity and visit gram alone. "Sebastian, please don't play with the remote control for mamaw's chair. She is almost at 90 degress on her back." |
Because everyone has a cape made from the blankies every morning. |
Just sleeping in our tent, Aunt Jess made. |
They water all our flowers. Sebastian waters the sidewalk, even when I insist it is not alive. |
We have been to the zoo twice and they all LOVE it. |
My precious Dominic. He loves to help with anything. |
Shelly's wedding! |
Blessed. Not worthy of these 3 amazing boys. They are crazy silly and smother me with love. |
Malachi with Aunt Jess. If only I could convince her not to have an amazing life in London and stay here.... |
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