Sebastian runs the opposite way of where I am always and has the biggest smile on his face. I can't figure out why Danny Jr. likes causing so much trouble.
I had the best time with my girlfriends from college last weekend. I have decided to stop calling them my sorority sisters, because it sounds like we are still 21 and I am a ripe 31 year old. One of my girlfriends read us an article that said the best thing for a woman's health is to have good relationships with her girlfriends. I agree. The most hilarious part is the article said a man's health is significantly improved if he is married. Makes total sense. Women need friends and Men need a woman to rely on. Love it.
I love playing outside until bedtime. Could life be any sweeter?
Danny has to work all hours of the day. All hours. I pray for his sanity, because the guy walks in the house, goes to bed, and starts a new day. So that leaves me and my kitty cats. Before I could ask Danny to do one chore a day. We are having friends over this weekend and the fish tank looked really neglected and I certainly didn't want us to look lazy so killing all our fish was a better bet...Yes, One swift cleaning and I was out pushing the kids on the swings, feeling pretty high and mighty. "This girl can clean, cook, use tools, pay bills, take care of the children..." I was so prideful that only Jesus could bring me back down to earth. So we walked in and all four of our girls were floating.
We have a big appointment coming up and news so BIG to share that you will need to sit down in order to hear it. I will get back to you all very soon, but I will warn you: You may not believe me so you will check back often in order to really take it all in. Happy Thursday! :)
Way to leave us hanging!