
Amanda, Don't Forget.

I need a good reminder of where I am at today so in the future I know how very busy I was.

My favorite texts are from my friends who have little boys.  Usually just a picture with something broken or some little guy standing on a table.  Ahhh, Thank heaven for little boys

What will I be missing when Sebastian is older and not quite so much work?
  1. Grocery shopping at a warp speed.  I am talking game-show type speed.  You know the bell rings and you are running up and down those isles.  I open up all the bags.  Sun Chips...check.  Fruit snacks...check.  (How about opening all the bags once and then my credit card was declined?  "Well Mam this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't open up at least three things." To say I was embarrassed is an understatement.)  
  2. Things thrown at my face at random.  Truck?  Play food?  Real food?  Train?
  3. Not having to work out because my 30lb one-year-old loves to be held all day.
  4. Thinking it is acceptable to blink...then realizing Sebastian is standing on the kitchen table or has climbed the book shelf.
  5. Hoping a stroller won't let you down, but realizing that the loud sounds you are hearing are in fact your son and allllll the items are knocked off the shelves at CVS.
  6. Constantly being asked if he ever sits down.  "He must be totally exhausted for nap time?"  Umm, no.
  7. Getting the sloppiest, best kisses anyone could ever ask for 100 times a day.
  8. Apologizing to other parents for Sebastian giving their child a sloppy kiss.
  9. Watching the happiest child on the planet see everything for the first time.
  10. Thinking Mickey Mouse or something could get his attention for 30 seconds.
  11. Finding something valuable in the trash every.time.I.take.it.out.
  12. Watching bags of fruit snacks being swallowed whole in seconds.
  13. Thinking it is acceptable to keep your wallet out and then never finding it. (I did finally find it at the bottom of one of the toy bins.) 
  14. Saying, "No," to toys so Sebastian will want to play with them.
  15. Opening a closet and then screaming because Sebastian is just standing in it...how long? Totally dark? 
 I'll take this time and savor it.  I'll take being the center of his non-stop, back breaking, crazy-fun world.


  1. amanda thank you for this post! It makes me feel like I am not alone! The food throwing sooooo true! Jason asked me the other day if I though my life would consist of picking up food daily! haha

    1. Beth! I am sure you get it, bet I have lots more to come, huh? Love that sweet family of yours, they are too cute!!
