Hold on... A little Halloween first. We did not go out this year due to the peach that came to the door first. Dressed in a scary costume and had hose over his face. Ceal was scarred and was not going out. In fact the next morning, first thing, she asked, "Mommy it isn't Halloween anymore, right?" So I didn't really think the holiday was that great, and Cealy solidified it for me. People dressed up to scare us is not something we look forward to...
Oh goodness I LOVE this child. He ate sucker after sucker. |
Highlight of our night was Ceal's and Sebastian's friends coming over (mine too)! Taylor, Max, Drew, and Kate came and made us smile. Taylor bought Ceal two books to help her with school. Love them all. | |
Chicago Here We Come.
Oh Goodness I could not wait to go. It was going to be like old times. It was going to be so much fun.
I think I forgot the hard times and may have just remembered the super fun times. Anyone?
One I had two children in tow. Chicago is not made for double strollers. Dan has to work the whole time, and I knew I was super woman and it was no problem.
We went to my school, our old building to see our best buddies, and toured around downtown. I took them to the Disney Store for reasons I am not sure and came out with 3 bags. Okay so I am not the BEST with remembering things. I see a sign for what I remember to be a super fast pizza joint and head that way with my pumpkins. It was about 5 blocks but the only place that I could get in and out fast and we were h.u.n.g.r.y. Buca here we come. Why did I think Buca was Luca? Anyone? I could not wait to get a hot slice of pizza and head home. Oh no, Buca is a sit down family style, yummy yam, not good place to take your hungry kids. So I leave and go to Cozi. It is not stroller friendly. I had two doors to try and wiggle through. I failed and stomped and then grabbed food and headed back to our sweet hotel.

Amazing Exhibit we visited! |
We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo which is awesome and free. Our best friends from Chicago met us there. Oh how I miss them! |

The drive down reflect both of their personalities. Ceal is just relaxing and eventually falls asleep. Sebastian kicked the seat and never closed his eyes...
Their favorite game...run the hallways. But wait it gets more fun. Please note the hallways are not walled off and look out into the vast hotel...super. LOVE following my children and hypervinalating thinking one was going to fall.
Sebastian's favorite game is to play with the trashcan and the toilet. When I opened the toilet Friday morning I found the ONLY pair of pajamas I brought him...super. |
Ceal with her baby...waiting for her brothers to run around the hotel. We can't wait! |
The LOVE I have for this family. |
Gross, Lion eating. He was licking it before he went for the big bite and I asked if we could leave. |
Ceal and her best friend from Chicago-Danny! |
So, I came across your blog through some really random blog-hopping, and I realized from your pictures that we were at the same adoption class last week. I was the one with the super-loud cough! :) So happy to have found you! Praying for your journey! :)