
Working Mothers.

I love me some working mothers.  My bestest friends and sister are working mothers and I just want to hug them every chance I get.  I just want to say how much I truly respect you.  You work so hard, and still find time to love your babies with all your heart.  I meet Whitney many times after school, and I see her running around throwing a football with Aiden, and then racing Sloane up the hills...after her long day with 30 kids.  Aisha comes here after work and lets Cruz jump all over her, while trying to think what she is going to make for dinner after a l.o.n.g. day.  It is so important to be thankful for those mothers who work so hard.  Now, all mothers work very hard, but I have to own that working outside the home is harder sometimes.

I want to cry and punch my washer and dryer sometimes, because they are mean and always have laundry for me...then I have to remember that I get to do it during the day.  My girlfriend, Kristen with Drew who Ceal is obsessed with, once said, "Why do I always unload the dishwasher, then reload it, and have to start it again?"  I laughed out loud.  That is always true.  We have so many dishes the dishwasher always has a friend inside.

I remember being so upset kissing Ceal goodnight when I worked.  I was not going to see her much the next day.  I would let her stay up later, and knew I shouldn't but I felt so bad.  My sister feels bad putting Cruz in time-out.  She tells me coming home and then disciplining her baby in the two hours they get to play is just plain hard.  Courtney and I talk about that a lot.  You try so very hard to make sure they know they are loved.  It is hard being a mother period, and then adding a job intensifies the hardness.

My mom once told me she drank a cup of coffee around 5 at work.  She was ready for her next shift with her 3 daughters.  She could not be tired.  She had to do laundry, run around, play, laugh, bathe, and put to bed. 

I respect you.  I love you.  And I thank you.  All you hard working mothers.

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