

Sebastian got tubes this morning.  He was not happy when the nurse brought him back.  I wrestled for months about getting him tubes until the doctor sure did say, "Well you know this many rounds of antibiotics can lead to other things..."  I don't have to be told that twice.  I already freak out about everything and am a webmd.com member for life, so I made an appointment with the good ENT.

Well, he was not in a good place for a good amount of time while home, which put me in a bad place too, because I felt horrible.  Cealy decided to make this a day where she spent LOTS of time in time-out so not.such.a.fun.day.

The doctor said to look out for fluid coming out of the ears so I was on it all day. Until...Dinner came and I almost hit the floor because I saw what I thought was guts coming out of Sebastian's ear.  I screamed for Danny and then grabbed Sebastian out of the high chair.  Put him on the floor and preceded to get out the tomato that he put inside his ear...

Not guts, just guts of a tomato.  He would.

So I am going to bed wondering when I will become the mother that I see often who is laid back...

Why can't I be laid back???

1 comment:

  1. haha if you aren't laid back then I'm going to be as strung out as they come... this will be fun! :)
