Cealy loves to read. Her book room is on the main floor so we are in there most often. She acts out scenes from her favorite books. Show her any book, and she will tell you the title, not because she can read, but she memorizes everything! The other day I heard her talking to a character while running from the rain in our house. "Dotty, don't get your polka dot dress wet, lets run!"

Could a child look more like their father? I mean Sebastian is Danny completely, but he loves me more.

Ceal LOVES going to Marm and Steve's house. She always goes on a long walk with my mom, and asks me NOT to come. Sweet of her. Cruz is in the stroller, he was okay to be on the walk because he can't talk to Marm. On our way to my mom's house, Ceal will say, "Mommy you can't talk to Marm, but I can. Okay?"

I love this, because every morning Sebastian watches Cealy act like her crazy self.
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