I took Sebastian to the doctor on Thursday, because one I take my kids to the doctor if they have the sniffles. I am a bit insane. But two he projectile vomits on the regular and I wanted to make sure he was okay. The doctor, who is a peach, looked at the charts and said, "Well he isn't 2 months until Sunday and he weighs 15 pounds, so I think he is just fine." So there it is. My son is a chunker, and I could not be more obsessed.
Cealy is obsessed too. I took Cealy to the store with me late last night, because I wanted to be with her and I needed to get some things. She wanted to take Sebastian, but I told her he was staying. Then she said she wanted to stay too. Geez, he has us all obsessed.
My girlfriends came to visit this weekend to see Sebastian. They got in Friday night and we drank wine and stayed up until 3:30am laughing and telling stories. I love these girls. They are good friends and made the trip from Chicago just to see Sebastian. I will be friends with them for a lifetime and feel extremely blessed to have them in my life. Greives came late Friday too, and we were just missing Bellotti, because she lives in Minny and the drive is crazy long! We will see her soon!

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