Sebastian was asleep until...
Cealy brushed his teeth (gums) with her toothbrush this morning.
Zoo Boo and a Little Help from Cealy.

Courtney and Avery. Avery smiles ALL day long. This is why we moved back. Friends and Family are so important, and a day like we had was so much fun!
Sebastian is 2 months and gets a visit from my girlfriends!
My precious Sebastian is 2 months. He is the sweetest baby you could lay eyes on. I kiss him roughly 5,000 times a day. One could say I am smothering him, but I would like to say he won't let me kiss him this many times a day very soon. Cealy says, "Mommy holds brother allllllll day long." I laugh, because I do. I hold him every chance I get. I look at him and tell myself to take it all in. He will lay there and just look around the room. This is new for me, because Cealy cried all day, and I can't understand why Sebastian is so calm. One of my girlfriends, Nicole, put it perfectly. "Cealy is you and Sebastian is Danny." Wow, thanks.
I took Sebastian to the doctor on Thursday, because one I take my kids to the doctor if they have the sniffles. I am a bit insane. But two he projectile vomits on the regular and I wanted to make sure he was okay. The doctor, who is a peach, looked at the charts and said, "Well he isn't 2 months until Sunday and he weighs 15 pounds, so I think he is just fine." So there it is. My son is a chunker, and I could not be more obsessed.
Cealy is obsessed too. I took Cealy to the store with me late last night, because I wanted to be with her and I needed to get some things. She wanted to take Sebastian, but I told her he was staying. Then she said she wanted to stay too. Geez, he has us all obsessed.

My girlfriends came to visit this weekend to see Sebastian. They got in Friday night and we drank wine and stayed up until 3:30am laughing and telling stories. I love these girls. They are good friends and made the trip from Chicago just to see Sebastian. I will be friends with them for a lifetime and feel extremely blessed to have them in my life. Greives came late Friday too, and we were just missing Bellotti, because she lives in Minny and the drive is crazy long! We will see her soon!

I took Sebastian to the doctor on Thursday, because one I take my kids to the doctor if they have the sniffles. I am a bit insane. But two he projectile vomits on the regular and I wanted to make sure he was okay. The doctor, who is a peach, looked at the charts and said, "Well he isn't 2 months until Sunday and he weighs 15 pounds, so I think he is just fine." So there it is. My son is a chunker, and I could not be more obsessed.
Cealy is obsessed too. I took Cealy to the store with me late last night, because I wanted to be with her and I needed to get some things. She wanted to take Sebastian, but I told her he was staying. Then she said she wanted to stay too. Geez, he has us all obsessed.
My girlfriends came to visit this weekend to see Sebastian. They got in Friday night and we drank wine and stayed up until 3:30am laughing and telling stories. I love these girls. They are good friends and made the trip from Chicago just to see Sebastian. I will be friends with them for a lifetime and feel extremely blessed to have them in my life. Greives came late Friday too, and we were just missing Bellotti, because she lives in Minny and the drive is crazy long! We will see her soon!

The things Cealy says...
Cealy talks my ear off constantly. She cracks me up.
She wakes up from her nap last week and is in a sad mood. "What is wrong Cealy, did you have a bad dream?" "Yes, mommy those mean meerkats were sticking their tongues at me."
I was cracking up, because we read a book about wild animals and one page is a bunch of meerkats sticking their tongues out. I told Ceal they were being silly, but she thinks they are mean.
"Mommy, I see a big spider, get him!"--That's my girl!
"Keke loves bees." And then she starts laughing because Kenzie has a phobia of bees.
Let's talk about potty training. Everyone has a tip for good ol mommy when it comes to potty training, and well NONE of them work. Get her a treat when she goes on the potty. So we sit for about 30 minutes and I wave some good chocolate, cookies, brownies in front of your face. "No thanks Mommy," and off you go. Super. I told you that baby was going on the potty. "Look at baby, she is going on the potty and Wow she is a big girl. In your run and whip baby off the potty and say, "Baby loves her diaper." You take her in the other room and put her diaper back on....Maybe next year.
When we go to the store your favorite thing is to walk into someone, yes into someone, and then say, "Excuse me I so sorry." Some people laugh and some do not.
Cealy loves the Hot Dog Dance after Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She dances to it on the reg because I downloaded it. Now she even has Sebastian dancing to it and makes him kick his legs to the song.
Cealy loves books, and can tell you the words that she knows. She memorizes what the book says and reads it to herself. My favorite. The Best Pet Ever is what she reads now and can tell you what it says because we have read it THAT MUCH.
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