You and Aubrey at your birthday party. Cruz was being fed and did not want in the picture until the bottle was completely finished!
My precious girl!
Could Nana be anymore beautiful? Pop and Nana came over on your birthday and took us to eat at your favorite new place, CR Heros where Nana spilt a drink and you called her messy for days!

Pop and Nana bought you a Sophie cake that you talking about for days until you ate the whole thing!
You count to 20 and know all your colors. You speak so well to me, but you do not like to talk around people you don't know very well. You will talk your family's ear off, but if someone comes over you go mute and watch their every move. You are very smart. You went to your two year appointment at your doctor and are still in the 90th percentile for height. You are such a tall girl. You eat well, eating most anything we put on your plate. You are just like your mother and will eat peanut butter by the jar.
You LOVE your family and ask for them constantly. You love your grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. Keke has been helping us out so much, and I could not thank her enough! Auntie Aisha is taking time off while I am in the hospital to take care of me. I feel extremely blessed with my family!! You are staying with Aunt Jessie and Marm and Feve while I am away. Keke is in Switzerland and then is coming home to help for a couple of weeks. She cannot move there full-time or mommy will go crazy. She loves her sisters, and cannot live without them.
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