Our first night home we snuggled on the couch. I love these moments.
Cealy was so excited to meet you, but didn't want to hold you right away. Now Cealy asks me about 50 times a day to hold you. "Hold Brother?" She calls you "Boo Boo, snuckoms, brother, and booger." I wonder where she gets these names. Cealy stayed with Aunt Jess for two days and my mom and Steve for two days. She was treated like the Queen she is, and bossed everyone around. Aunt Jess made you people pancakes the first day, and took you to play with grand Pam too! You went out to eat, swam, played outside, and ran errands with my mom and Feve as you call him. What a lucky girl you are!
You were named after your grandfather, Rex, my dad. We want our children to have middle names that stay in the family. Rex went perfectly with your first name and it means, King, so what else could be better? Ha. Our grandparents send down life lessons. It is important to live your life and remember those that preceded you. You have amazing grandparents with incredible life stories. There is always a lesson to be learned.
Your beautiful Grandmother, Deb. Incredible woman she is.
You with your grandfather, Doug. Danny and I had to pick between two boy names, Sebastian Rex or Roman Douglas. We better have another boy because I love both names!
My most handsome little boy was born on August 16, 2011. I fell completely in love with him the second I held him, and couldn't believe how much love I had for him right away. I knew what to expect with a C-section, but I was still nervous. I got sick right before you came out, and thought it would never end. I had an Amazing doctor who is a peach, and great nurses who took pictures and told jokes. I am always up for dry humor, so we got along just fine.
You are such a love, and snuggle right up to anyone who holds you. Today you are almost two weeks old and sleep like a dream! Please keep this up my love. One night you slept for 7 hours, and when I woke up I did a little sleep dance for you. Super impressed my love. Probably because you drink 4 ounces of breast milk, and most newborns only drink 2. You weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces at your first week appointment. You rolled over twice for the doctor who was shocked. She told me many times she had never seen that before. When we got home I videotaped you rolling from your stomach to back at one week old for the world to see!