
Almost Two!

Cecilia my love, you are almost two! You are my favorite thing to do, watch, love, and simply be around. All the things you can do before you are two is amazing! You count to ten, but skip five because you don’t like the number. You know most of your letters and some of the sounds they make. You know all your animals, and are learning more by the day. The other day I was cooking, and you came into the kitchen and said, “mmmmm, m” I looked down and you were holding the letter m. When we walk down the street, you stop and point to all the letters you see. You LOVE the letter C!

You definitely have an attitude, so strict parenting it is. When you are in the next room you scream, “Mommy!” When I don’t respond right away, you scream, “Anda!” (Amanda) The first time your dad and I were shocked, and now you are starting to get in trouble for calling your mother by her first name. You also tell me every time you don’t like something. “No phone, Mommy” No puter, Mommy” No kissin Daddy, Mommy” My favorite is when you look at your Mom and Dad and say, “Mommy happy, Daddy happy, Celia happy.” I will never forget how much you love telling us you are happy.

You love to change diapers. You change George’s diaper and say, “Dang you stinky!” I now must think before I talk, because obviously you hear everything! You are obsessed with some Curious George. This was not your stuffed animal, but you took it from Cruz and sleep with him every night. It is impossible to tell you “No” when you ask, “Hold you?” It is so sweet, and even being 8 months pregnant, I pick you right up and carry you anywhere. You are my precious girl! I am beyond blessed to have you, and thank God for you everyday.

You love to help feed Cruz! I am feeding him here, and he looks all around the room while eating! He wants in all the action!

Cruz's first time swinging! Auntie Aisha didn't swing him too high, but your dad seems to think you need to wrap around the swing set in order to have a good time.

My precious boy and you hanging out in your chair. He grabs your face and hair so hard, but you never get mad at him. (Just when he cries.)

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