Ceal likes to play, Let's cough and gag in the toilet. So much so, that she will say, "coughing" out of the blew and run to the toilet. Now remember, I am pregnant and have no eating disorder so this is normal for me. It was really funny, but now I may be a little worried that she will think bulimia is really cool. We just bought a new bookcase for her books, because I buy a new book everyday and she has a million.
Our favorite thing to do now is hit up Red Mango, a yogurt shop. We get lots of fruit and dark chocolate and then come home, sit on the kitchen floor and devour our treat. She says hi to everyone on the street. Cutest kid on the block for sure.

Ceal will even cough when I make coffee in the morning, because she thinks I say I am making coughing and not coffee.
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