Your dad and I drove from Chicago to Indianapolis to drop you off before our long drive to New York. Auntie Aisha was supposed to take you for the weekend, because Marm was in Florida with her gal pals. Then Aisha was put in the hospital, because she was feeling ill and pregnant with your cousin Cruz. So Auntie Kenz stepped up and said, "Perfect, I get her all to myself this weekend!" Her and Andy took you for the weekend and you had a blast. Luckily, Aunt Jess was there too, so it made for a perfect weekend! You also slept at Auntie Aisha's and Uncle Kyle played with you. You have so much love around you! But enough about you, your dad and I had a BLAST!
We drove to Buffalo, New York at attend a wedding of a couple we love from living in N.Y.C. They came to our wedding, and we love the group of people we get to play with. Everyone is a blast. The wedding was awesome. Hege, the bride, is from Norway. A lot of her family came from Norway, and the wedding was so special. I found myself tearing up at times, and I couldn't even understand some of the speeches. It was their heart. They are amazing people. The wedding could not have been more fun. Everyone was so warm and it just felt like family. Your dad and I listened to a book on tape, so we could get through the drive. At 3am we pulled over to stop at a hotel. It was some kind of hotel. EWW. We laughed and tried to sleep until, the people upstairs started doing gymnastics. It was so loud!! We slept for about two hours, ate some good breakfast at Cracker Barrel and started out for our trip. We laughed A LOT. Such is life. Remember that.

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