
10 months.

I want you to remember to go out and have a good time with your girlfriends.  Becoming a mother can define you at times, and you must remember to define yourself in different areas of your life.  There is nothing more rewarding than taking care of you.  I also love to work and make a difference in the lives of my students.  I love to spend time with your dad.  I love to hang with my girlfriends, and act like we did when we were 21.  I am blessed to have family who love you so much they fight over who can watch you while your dad and I get out.

You love this horse at Marm's house.  Marm thinks it talking stuffed animals create confused children and I can't help but agree.  I mean you think every stuffed animal is supposed to talk to you.  

You are getting grouchy because you have teeth coming in and I am thinking it hurts.  You are not sleeping as well and crying a lot more often.  Getting you out in your stroller takes your mind off of your pain.  We go to World Market, Lincoln Park Grocery, The Park, Bed Bath and Beyond, Walgreens, Jamba Juice, and Einsteins about once a week.  You love to swing and watch all the bigger kids at the park.  I have not met many friends, mostly because they bring antibac wipes to the park and wipe off everything which I think is weird.  Or maybe when I act like I am driving a race car with your stroller.  We get crazy looks, but hey we have fun.  You play games with Lorenzo every time you see him.  He is our doorman, and you can't seem to get enough of him.  You love the lady at the dry cleaners.  She takes you right out of my arms when we come in and you go back with her to grab our things.  I talk to you like a ten year old child in the elevator, so many of the older individuals living here are nervous around me.  "Cealy, why didn't you answer the phone when it rang?  It was important.  You are grounded for a week."  It entertains you, but no so much those around you.  I want to pull my hair out when we do laundry.  I am pushing your stroller and pulling loads of clothes, while trying to maneuver to the basement.  You love to watch me divide the clothes and throw them in the machine.  I pretend to put you in as well, while those around me feel the need to call social services.  Again, probably why I don't make many mom friends around here.  We have a blast.  I will have to say living in Chicago is exhausting, but completely worth it.  You have lived a packed life for a ten month old.  I hope we get to Indy soon, but I hope we live it up while we are still here.    

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