
9 Months!

You yell if I put you inside of this, but you love to play while standing on the outside.  Control freak?  Scary.

When your polo bathing suit arrived, you got so excited and played with the box all day.

Cealy is huge. 98th percentile in height.  She is going to be taller than me in elementary school. Help!  75th in weight and 90th in head circumference which makes sense considering the summer hats I just bought her are for two year olds!  You are the yummiest baby on the planet.  When I come home from work two days a week you start screaming and jumping up and down.  Then you crawl as fast as you can toward the door which makes my day!! You will eat anything in front of you.  I feed you organic everything and can't believe you will eat whatever I give you.  Your favorite is spinach and potatoes.  You also like Earth's Best Soups which are amazing and offer every vegetable under the sun.  You sleep so well! I could not ask for a better baby.  This does not mean you are not A LOT of work! You have quite the personality.  You show a certain face that cracks everyone up! She get angry when I take anything away.  You hate having your diaper changed! You wiggle everywhere and scream to be released.  We walk everywhere.  Your dad signed us up for a music class.  I will not share with you what I think about the class except that five years ago I would have said, "I will never sing and dance around a room with other parents and my kid."  My girlfriends want video of this class on Fridays, and I am having none of it!!  You love it.  You are the only child that crawls around the room and wants to play.  The others just sit there nice and quiet with their parents.  I love this because it shows how much fun you are going to be the rest of my life. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know who your mama is trying to fool here but your favorite is when I walk in the door and you like Pears the best!!
    Love, your favorite Titi
