Oh Goodness, Cecilia you were large and in charge in my belly. Everyone I came into contact with thought I was having twins or triplets. Everyday at school, a mom would tell me she thinks another baby is hiding in my belly. Two of my mothers who had multiples, said their bellies were never as big as mine! I even was told I was having twins by random people on the street or in the store. It was funny for awhile...then your Titi would yell at people for saying things. At Target, the clerk said there was no way there was only one baby in there and Aisha definitely told her what was up, so I never had to stick up for myself. This has been the case since high school so I am sure it is no shocker to those who know my sister!
Your dad and I found out we were pregnant with you in November. We were so excited. He wanted a girl and sure enough for my birthday present we found out we were having a girl! I called everyone! The Wright family would not have known what to do without another sweet girl added to the mix. So after four months of feeling soo sick, I was the happiest mother alive!
All my 3rd graders loved to feel you move. They would push each other out of the way to feel you punch and kick. We danced everyday to music and they talked to you about how to act when you came out. We got some interesting presents from some of them, that you will love! I taught summer school with you while being 9 months pregnant and having NO AIR CONDITIONING all through July. We had fun though and I had many awesome co-workers who checked on my regularly to see if I was in labor.
Little did I know that you would never come, because you were too big. The doctor said you were in the 90th percentile and we would have to do a c-section. I cried and freaked until I didn't care how you came out. I just wanted you out! You were supposed to come on your grandfather's birthday, August 7th. Instead, you had to come out early so you didn't get any bigger. July 31st was the BIG DAY!
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