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Totally normal to watch TV this way, buddy. |
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I want to make my sister cry, so I am going to get inside her baby's crib and sit on her baby. |
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Are you kidding me with their cuteness right here? Sebastian LOVES Despicable Me. |
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Could I get this in my house please? |
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Haircuts are dangerous for everyone involved. I always apologize up front and go during nap hour so no one is there. |
Just about everyday, Cealy "reads" to her brother. I love them so much. |
Sebastian is 2 1/2 and Cealy is 4 1/2. Great ages! We went to Great Wolf a couple of weekends ago, and dare I say it was easy? and fun! Sebastian pees on the potty, backwards. It is so awesome. Now, Cealy wants to pee backwards. Hey, whatever works.
Sebastian turned a corner, and although I am very busy, it's easy over here. Yes, I said easy. And it is fun! Can I live forever like this? They are so much fun. I spent so much time barely keeping a tidy home, that I now savor those times of rest with the two of them.
We read together. All 3 of us. They each grab books and we stack them and read. It is such a beautiful thing. I love staying at home. My cousin called me the other day. She is about the cutest mother ever. She was talking to me about her feelings of guilt over quitting her job. I told her it never gets better. Believe me, I love staying home. I also miss my students. I miss my co-workers. The stomach hurting laughing so much because one of my students cracked me up again. But I so much love my life right now. It is so worth it. I am so grateful.
Sebastian holds my face now. He kisses me and tells me how much he loves me. I cannot even express how much he makes me smile. He wants to be everywhere with me, and I love it. He also provides much humility. Parents staring. Jaws dropped. "He just slapped you in the face." "Oh, yes I know. My face is still stinging." Ahhhh, the judgement. Really it is good for me. Possibly, because I judged a parent or 10 while I was teaching. He is my lesson on judgement. He is getting much better at listening, but only at home when no one is around. In public, embarrassing me is top priority.
I understand the 'I'll give you anything you want, so that you don't throw a fit here' parent. Sebastian's tantrums have names. My favorite is the snow-angel tantrum. Arms flailing above him. Legs kicking. If there was snow around, his snow angel would get first prize. I had never truly experienced a tantrum before.
Sebastian weighs his options. He is bright, this child. He knows the consequence, but for the moment in time, it is worth it for him. She put me down. I am running like the wind. And he is gone. Pier One- he is gone. I am at the doors, face-flushed, asking one of the adorable store clerks to help me find my son. And then telling myself that I will not be buying the rug I came to buy, because he will inevitably break $300 worth of things. I put him down at Target. He looks at me, and before I knew what was up he went at lightning speed down the isle, to the doors. He is laughing. I am yelling. Running for him, Cealy is running behind me. Everyone's eyes are on me. And when I catch him, all 38-pounds brings me to my knees, because he does the back-bend tantrum. Have you ever tried picking up a kid in a back-bend? Goodbye back.
His smile and his facial expressions will pierce you. Just ask my friends. One of them always says, "Now, its horrible that I have a favorite with you all, but Sebastian takes the cake."He goes everywhere with me, and always says, "Mommy, don't weave me." Ummm, okay. Because you are that cute. He also eeeks people. This is when he comes up to you and squeezes your cheeks and says, "Eeeeeek." Cealy usually allows it, but there are times she is running around the house screaming, "Mommy, tell Sebastian to quit eeeeking me."
He asks for Jesus stories. He runs to me with his bible and asks to read about Jesus. I am the proudest mommy at this moment. He loves, loves, David and Goliath. And we could read this 100 times and he would sit still next to me and listen.
All kids are different. I have learned that lesson now. My kids go just about everywhere with me. Soon school will take over, and I want every moment with them now. And at times, we all leave in tears, but hey, we've got great memories!
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You can't stand on your seat and eat Sebastian. |
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His, "I'm sad." Why you sad Sebastian? "Cause I don't wike this wunch." |