decide to adopt?
Ultimately I can tell you we wanted, prayed, begged, and pleaded for more children in our family. Yes, we could have more biological children but it was not for us (but believe me I love me some Duggars.) For us "Love is Thicker Than Water." Blood is for the birds.
This is my awesome shirt that I sport around town.
Not all my husband's family is blood related. What?!? Yes, he was adopted into a family with a dad and mom that are about as cute as it gets. I feel like their 3rd daughter and there is no blood line there. There has never been a situation where blood was a problem, because "Love is Thicker Than Water."
My grandmother is my gram. If I'd a picked a grandma, she'd be the one which is great because God chose her to be mine, and we are not blood related. She helped smack me around when I was younger...kidding. She loves me, listens to my crazy stories, does my laundry when I am tired and cranky, and claims me in public.
My aunts and cousins are not blood. What?!? I can assure you that some of my very best friends don't even know this. I had 16 ladies in my wedding. I have a lot of girl cousins and can you believe it, their mother is not my mother's sister like I always said...She is just her best friend. But we grew up together always called each other cousins, and they mean everything to me. Because "Love is Thicker Than Water."
My aunt who thinks our boys coming home are also coming home to her house is not my blood aunt. She threw every single shower for me. She prays for me on the regular. She is the best listener and advice giver. She loves me like her niece and has never once faltered in that. Because, "Love is Thicker Than Water."
My best friends are also my family. I grew up with them. We laugh, argue, hug, and listen like any sisters would. I will always believe that it is Love not blood that matters.
Our Children's Eyes.
Oh be careful little eyes what you see, Oh be careful little eyes what you see, because the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.
This is a little piece from a song we play from time to time. I always let this song sink in, as it really is teaching me a message. It is important to remember that children should stay children and not see, hear, or experience adult things.
I learn this lesson daily. I mess up and remember not to do it again. (Personally I love rap and pop music and Cealy loves to jam to it as well) We do not watch a lot of television. We do not watch the news or any adult tv. So when my sisters went to a movie on Saturday I was appauled at what they told me. They went to see a scary movie that involved torture, rape, stabbing, and murder. And a three year old boy was there watching this movie as well. My younger sister decided that the situation needed to be addressed. When she confronted the father, he cussed at her and went on his way. Love that maturity.
Little children cannot process adult things. Every morning I had community circle with my students. The first few months of school our topic was surface level info. What was your favorite thing you did this weekend? What did you eat for dinner last night? Then I asked them what they wanted to talk about. And they would always bring up something they saw on the news or tv. They had questions. They sure did watch the news with an adult, but they did not discuss what they saw. My personal most shocked moment was when a bunch of my boys asked me about a certain scene in a Rated R movie. Third grade? The news is not any better. Murder, shootings, and so on. Lets not get it twisted the news does not highlight a family working at a shelter on Saturday night.
So you can walk away from this blog, and say Ebaneezers Sneezers this girl thinks she is the bees knees of mommys. I can assure I don't think I am and I learn daily how to better my parenting, but I know this for sure, we should be very careful what our children watch and see.
This is a little piece from a song we play from time to time. I always let this song sink in, as it really is teaching me a message. It is important to remember that children should stay children and not see, hear, or experience adult things.
I learn this lesson daily. I mess up and remember not to do it again. (Personally I love rap and pop music and Cealy loves to jam to it as well) We do not watch a lot of television. We do not watch the news or any adult tv. So when my sisters went to a movie on Saturday I was appauled at what they told me. They went to see a scary movie that involved torture, rape, stabbing, and murder. And a three year old boy was there watching this movie as well. My younger sister decided that the situation needed to be addressed. When she confronted the father, he cussed at her and went on his way. Love that maturity.
Little children cannot process adult things. Every morning I had community circle with my students. The first few months of school our topic was surface level info. What was your favorite thing you did this weekend? What did you eat for dinner last night? Then I asked them what they wanted to talk about. And they would always bring up something they saw on the news or tv. They had questions. They sure did watch the news with an adult, but they did not discuss what they saw. My personal most shocked moment was when a bunch of my boys asked me about a certain scene in a Rated R movie. Third grade? The news is not any better. Murder, shootings, and so on. Lets not get it twisted the news does not highlight a family working at a shelter on Saturday night.
So you can walk away from this blog, and say Ebaneezers Sneezers this girl thinks she is the bees knees of mommys. I can assure I don't think I am and I learn daily how to better my parenting, but I know this for sure, we should be very careful what our children watch and see.
Sorry About Your Wait.
I love waiting...said no one ever.
I love long lines at the grocery. I love waiting at Walmart, because there is almost never anyone crazy in line with you. I love waiting at the doctor's office. I love long lines at Starbucks and favorite. Not so much.
I am at a point in our adoption where I could just squeal. I want our boys home. I have done enough day dreaming, and I would like to start our lives with them. I can't stand the waiting.
Anyone and everyone I see, "Sooooo, have you hearddddd?" That is all I hear because when they get to the part about the boys, I am mentally talking myself into saying something polite. Everyone has such a big heart and they care about our boys, bless their sweet hearts. Personally, I love the question, "What takes so long?"
Here is the truth. In this waiting, I have stored up an enormous amount of love for our boys. I have read more of the Bible than in my life. I have met friends that add significantly to my life. In this waiting, I was worried. Did we have the money for everything? God would provide but how? My friends pulled through. God tugged on their hearts and I have been given car seats, a double stroller, and more clothes than I could have imagined. While waiting, I have seen the love that surrounds me. Large packages in the mail, (Danny looked at me with some mean ol eyes thinking I purchased it, but then had the same astonished look I did when we realized a friend did.) So beautiful things are happening to our family while we wait. And we will wait.
We will wait for as long as it takes to be your family.
I love long lines at the grocery. I love waiting at Walmart, because there is almost never anyone crazy in line with you. I love waiting at the doctor's office. I love long lines at Starbucks and favorite. Not so much.
I am at a point in our adoption where I could just squeal. I want our boys home. I have done enough day dreaming, and I would like to start our lives with them. I can't stand the waiting.
Anyone and everyone I see, "Sooooo, have you hearddddd?" That is all I hear because when they get to the part about the boys, I am mentally talking myself into saying something polite. Everyone has such a big heart and they care about our boys, bless their sweet hearts. Personally, I love the question, "What takes so long?"
Here is the truth. In this waiting, I have stored up an enormous amount of love for our boys. I have read more of the Bible than in my life. I have met friends that add significantly to my life. In this waiting, I was worried. Did we have the money for everything? God would provide but how? My friends pulled through. God tugged on their hearts and I have been given car seats, a double stroller, and more clothes than I could have imagined. While waiting, I have seen the love that surrounds me. Large packages in the mail, (Danny looked at me with some mean ol eyes thinking I purchased it, but then had the same astonished look I did when we realized a friend did.) So beautiful things are happening to our family while we wait. And we will wait.
We will wait for as long as it takes to be your family.
Rice and Beans.
You: "Hey, how are you doing with your rice and beans diet, standing in solidarity with your brothers and sisters in Africa?"
Me: "I failed. With flying colors."
Me: "I failed. With flying colors."
That is Thy Question?
To guard or not to guard, that is thy question?
I often read adoption forums with questions that look a lot like these: How did you feel when you got your referral? Should I feel a certain way? Should I tell people? I shouldn't get excited right? Should I tell my friends?
I wondered all these answers too. Really you could compare it to being pregnant in the first trimester. Some people tell and others don't.
Everyone has a different way of handling I wanted to share my experience.
Jump in. Let you heart be filled with love no matter what. Don't think about what could happen, but think about this life on the other side. If anything were to happen, this child will be a part of your heart, visions, dreams forever regardless. How amazing would it be to meet a little one in Heaven that you prayed, hoped, and loved, even though you never met?
Don't listen to others, listen to your heart. If it tells you the best thing is to guard it, so you won't get hurt, then by all means guard it for your well-being. If it tells you that nothing seems more amazing than the thought of having this child or children home, then scream it from the roof tops. Tell your favorite cashier at the grocery, make it as exciting as you feel.
After all, sometimes we let our negative thoughts take residence in hopes that we won't get hurt. Being positive and maybe downright obnoxiously optimistic won't take our joys away. It will not change our outcome, our story is written. by Him.
I often read adoption forums with questions that look a lot like these: How did you feel when you got your referral? Should I feel a certain way? Should I tell people? I shouldn't get excited right? Should I tell my friends?
I wondered all these answers too. Really you could compare it to being pregnant in the first trimester. Some people tell and others don't.
Everyone has a different way of handling I wanted to share my experience.
Jump in. Let you heart be filled with love no matter what. Don't think about what could happen, but think about this life on the other side. If anything were to happen, this child will be a part of your heart, visions, dreams forever regardless. How amazing would it be to meet a little one in Heaven that you prayed, hoped, and loved, even though you never met?
Don't listen to others, listen to your heart. If it tells you the best thing is to guard it, so you won't get hurt, then by all means guard it for your well-being. If it tells you that nothing seems more amazing than the thought of having this child or children home, then scream it from the roof tops. Tell your favorite cashier at the grocery, make it as exciting as you feel.
After all, sometimes we let our negative thoughts take residence in hopes that we won't get hurt. Being positive and maybe downright obnoxiously optimistic won't take our joys away. It will not change our outcome, our story is written. by Him.
While We Wait.
Just chalking it up in our art room and "waiting," for our brothers. |
Anytime, Ceal goes to time-out, Sebastian follows...Always two against one over here. |
We play with our barbie pool and ship all the time! |
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Great Wolf Lodge was SO much FUN! Slides, wave pool, fun food, running around, and did I mention slides? I was like a kid again and went down with Kristin about 10 times! |
We went with a big group of our friends and had an absolute blast! All the kids love being together and during naps and bedtime, the parents played cards! |
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Has anyone ever seen the movie, Parenthood? Steve Martin has a son who is special per say and likes to wear buckets on his head and bumps into walls. |
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Ceal has a new tutu dress that she wears all the time. Her friend Taylor so lovingly sent her this to include her while sending her brothers things. I heart thoughtful friends. |
Rice and Beans: Day 1
Yep, It is the first day standing in solidarity with my brothers and sisters in Africa.
Rice and Beans for 31 days.
Let me be real with you for a second:
- I am a snacker and I love candy. I have more cavities than your whole family combined.
- I am mean when I don't eat. Just ask my husband or sisters. I tell myself I get low blood sugar and I can't help it, but you will often hear my husband ask, "Have you eaten?"
- I did not organize myself (I know shocking) and make rice and beans before March 1st so today has been a doozy.
- I am following the rules, but adding in fruit and some vegetables. My sons love bananas so every time I add one to rice, I just get this big smile.
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