One of our favorite places to go is Faithe and Aaron's house. They have 4 amazing children, 20 months-old, and so yummy you wouldn't believe it. I always need pointers, and Faithe will share her mommy tips. Sebastian is a real live bear or football player when we visit, so time-out is visited on the regular.
Some Fun Videos!
One of our favorite places to go is Faithe and Aaron's house. They have 4 amazing children, 20 months-old, and so yummy you wouldn't believe it. I always need pointers, and Faithe will share her mommy tips. Sebastian is a real live bear or football player when we visit, so time-out is visited on the regular.
Comfort Zone, I loved you.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is scary. "No thanks...I enjoy life just like this."
Faithe asked me a couple of weeks ago to come to a prayer she was hosting. One of her girlfriends is adopting a precious boy from Haiti, and is being held up in the process. "Could you come pray with us?" Me-"Us, like who?" Faithe- "Oh, just about 25 people or so from my church. It will be at our home." Me-"Well of course, I can."
So here is what I was thinking... I am going to Faithe's and praying with amazing Christians who attend an amazing church, don't know anyone, they will judge me, and I will be super uncomfortable...So I'll just tell her an hour before that someone has come up. Perfect. Love that idea. Then reality hit, and it wasn't about me. Yes, I am still 3 years old sometimes, and think some things are all about me. This precious woman needs prayers from everyone to get her son home, and I'll be damned if I am too immature to suck it up.
So I went. And it was Amazing. I met some delicious people. I was in awe of how they prayed, and not a one person laughed at me praying. They hugged me and thanked me for coming.
One Step Forward.
Then another precious woman in my life asked if I could come and sew dresses for girls in Africa. "Absolutely. I am coming. I will be there." Wait, did she saw sew? Mama doesn't sew. Then my mind started wondering. She home-schools her children. I bet everyone there will be home-schooling, sewing mothers who are so much better than me, I can't go...not going. I think I am starting to feel achy last night, perfect, I'll just drop off those supplies in her mailbox that way I contributed, and off to that sweet comfort zone I call home.
My husband came home early, and I was off. Just dropping off the supplies of course, but I secretly knew I was going, because God wasn't going to let me be 3 again. He was whispering, "You cannot be afraid of those you think may be different from you. You are teaching your daughter differences are beautiful and make the world a better place." AHHH!
Friends, I will have you know that this woman's husband met me at the door. Her baby boys ran around my legs and played with me most of the night. Her daughters asked if I needed anything, and asked me questions about my life. Her mother was adorable, because I am sure she spotted me and my non-sewing talents when I hit the door. This amazing woman and her friends had me laughing, learning, and breaking down my 3-year-old mentalities. She was real. Her conversations were everything I needed. She is a beautiful, young, mother who doesn't give a crapola that she drives a 12 passenger van. She has six children who laugh. play. and prove to all those around them that this is what life is about. If I stay in my comfort zone, I won't experience other families that make the world a better place. I will question my sanity, because those around me don't live the way I do. Today, I smile because we have so much in common, and I am honored to be a little like her.
Those 4 hours made all the difference in my life. Goodbye, Comfort Zone. Hello, New Life.
Faithe asked me a couple of weeks ago to come to a prayer she was hosting. One of her girlfriends is adopting a precious boy from Haiti, and is being held up in the process. "Could you come pray with us?" Me-"Us, like who?" Faithe- "Oh, just about 25 people or so from my church. It will be at our home." Me-"Well of course, I can."
So here is what I was thinking... I am going to Faithe's and praying with amazing Christians who attend an amazing church, don't know anyone, they will judge me, and I will be super uncomfortable...So I'll just tell her an hour before that someone has come up. Perfect. Love that idea. Then reality hit, and it wasn't about me. Yes, I am still 3 years old sometimes, and think some things are all about me. This precious woman needs prayers from everyone to get her son home, and I'll be damned if I am too immature to suck it up.
So I went. And it was Amazing. I met some delicious people. I was in awe of how they prayed, and not a one person laughed at me praying. They hugged me and thanked me for coming.
One Step Forward.
Then another precious woman in my life asked if I could come and sew dresses for girls in Africa. "Absolutely. I am coming. I will be there." Wait, did she saw sew? Mama doesn't sew. Then my mind started wondering. She home-schools her children. I bet everyone there will be home-schooling, sewing mothers who are so much better than me, I can't go...not going. I think I am starting to feel achy last night, perfect, I'll just drop off those supplies in her mailbox that way I contributed, and off to that sweet comfort zone I call home.
My husband came home early, and I was off. Just dropping off the supplies of course, but I secretly knew I was going, because God wasn't going to let me be 3 again. He was whispering, "You cannot be afraid of those you think may be different from you. You are teaching your daughter differences are beautiful and make the world a better place." AHHH!
Friends, I will have you know that this woman's husband met me at the door. Her baby boys ran around my legs and played with me most of the night. Her daughters asked if I needed anything, and asked me questions about my life. Her mother was adorable, because I am sure she spotted me and my non-sewing talents when I hit the door. This amazing woman and her friends had me laughing, learning, and breaking down my 3-year-old mentalities. She was real. Her conversations were everything I needed. She is a beautiful, young, mother who doesn't give a crapola that she drives a 12 passenger van. She has six children who laugh. play. and prove to all those around them that this is what life is about. If I stay in my comfort zone, I won't experience other families that make the world a better place. I will question my sanity, because those around me don't live the way I do. Today, I smile because we have so much in common, and I am honored to be a little like her.
Those 4 hours made all the difference in my life. Goodbye, Comfort Zone. Hello, New Life.
The Mail.
Most of us don't care too much about getting mail. I mean some of us care more than others, but most mail carriers are not worried about their customers. Imagine my little peach. She arrives everyday at a different time. And I know the time for each day. I usually do a little wave from the front porch as she arrives. She looks confused or maybe just sad that I love receiving mail this much and drives to my neighbors. That is when I burst into a sprint to the mail. I grab it, waving again, and run inside. What I am looking for is usually not there, because in my impatience, adoption documents take time...
So today my sisters were over. I suddenly got fidgety. "What's up with you?" Mackenzie asks. "Ummm, nothing, just the mail came and I don't want to check it right not, but I want to check it, but I don't want to get into a sulky mood, so I'll check it later."
"Okay...then I'll go get the mail." Mackenzie says... with a why are you not normal tone.
That is when I sprint out. Anyway the mail carrier may have called paramedics to see if I was breathing, because I did not go out right away.
And I grabbed my mail. And screamed. Aisha and Mackenzie ran to the door, and said, you did not get it right? Oh yes.I.did.
I opened my mail and ran screaming around the house. Up the driveway around the sidewalk into the basement. Jumped on the couch and hugged.everyone. One.Step.Closer.
So today my sisters were over. I suddenly got fidgety. "What's up with you?" Mackenzie asks. "Ummm, nothing, just the mail came and I don't want to check it right not, but I want to check it, but I don't want to get into a sulky mood, so I'll check it later."
"Okay...then I'll go get the mail." Mackenzie says... with a why are you not normal tone.
That is when I sprint out. Anyway the mail carrier may have called paramedics to see if I was breathing, because I did not go out right away.
And I grabbed my mail. And screamed. Aisha and Mackenzie ran to the door, and said, you did not get it right? Oh yes.I.did.
I opened my mail and ran screaming around the house. Up the driveway around the sidewalk into the basement. Jumped on the couch and hugged.everyone. One.Step.Closer.
Happy Birthday!
Oh and please look below at how Sebastian managed to play with Ceal's dollhouse. He pulled it over there...strongest child ever.
My amazing nephew and husband had birthdays.
Cruz Christian is officially 2 years old. He still calls me Mommy, and I sure don't correct him.
Favorites: Ellie the Elephant, Cealy, Turning the water on and then off over and over, Wagon Rides. Waffles, Cookies, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Purple Phone, Smirking, Computers, and Minny, and maybe Sebastian on a good day.
Love.My.Cruz. He is hilarious, but don't mess around with his snacks. A gorilla comes out. He runs around the house calling for Mommy and Ceal or Sebastian and I love every minute of it. He has fears. Don't pull a balloon or bird out of your pocket, unless you want to hear a wail. There are times when I can seriously pull my hair out with all 3 of them pulling me in different directions, and then a smile emerges. He has me wrapped around that finger, but you better believe he visits time out with the best of them. The other day Cruz said, stop it to me, and I said, "What did you say?" Cealy answered, "He said he loves you." And it begins already...
Cealy ran around the house on her Purple Phone saying, "Hi, I'm 31 today." Slow down, really. Danny and I have been together for quite a long time. There is no more, "I did this when I was younger," while the other person learns something new about their sweetheart. We.Know.Everything. It is a blessing. We are definitely best friends. He is friends with my best friends. How fun is that? I mean he grew up with my family and my best friends. He takes my sister lunch during the week...and I was wondering why he was her favorite.
Danny works harder than anyone I have even known. Anyone. He wakes up early, comes home late, and dives into Daddy mode. He is Cealy's favorite person on the planet. "Can I have Daddy's special juice?" "Daddy's juice, so did he squeeze this juice or did I pick it up from the store?" Anytime Sebastian is crying, she sure tells him, "Don't worry Daddy will be home soon." They say, "Goodnight Best Friend" to each other. Enough Said. My heart melts. I could ask for nothing sweeter.
He is the Best Man I know. We are exact opposites...a very good thing. I run around the grocery wondering what I need and he brings a list. He likes to start at the front of the grocery, and I like to pick a different isle each time...(Don't want to get bored, you know?) I like to dance to the music in the grocery while he wonders what awful music is playing. I told him I would cut the yard once, and stopped halfway. He never said anything, just came home shook his head and finished the job. He tells me I am too skinny (BHAA!), could anyone be more delicious? I am telling you, he is the best. I love this man. Happy 31 to you!
Please Help.
As I look at this precious girl's face, I ache for her family. I learned of their story awhile back and broke into tears. I remember reading the email from our agency, and not believing what I read. This precious baby girl only had her family for such a short time. Marisa and her husband learned their baby girl was sick in country, and had her flown to the United States as soon as they could. The second she was in their arms, they took her to the children's hospital where she later passed away. When I look at her picture, I cry for all the babies who were so close.
I plead with you to help this family. They are so incredibly brave, and choose to adopt again...and this time...two children. They have to come up with the money again, and I so badly want to help them. Just talking briefly with Marisa, I am filled with hope. Hope for all orphans. There are so many beautiful people in this life.
Any amount of money is worth helped bring two precious babies to their forever family.
I plead with you to help this family. They are so incredibly brave, and choose to adopt again...and this time...two children. They have to come up with the money again, and I so badly want to help them. Just talking briefly with Marisa, I am filled with hope. Hope for all orphans. There are so many beautiful people in this life.
Any amount of money is worth helped bring two precious babies to their forever family.
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