We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus roughly 1,000 times. Now if I asked whose birthday is was we were celebrating, Cealy sure did say someone besides Jesus. What don't we get about it being Jesus's birthday?
Merry Christmas.
We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus roughly 1,000 times. Now if I asked whose birthday is was we were celebrating, Cealy sure did say someone besides Jesus. What don't we get about it being Jesus's birthday?
Could he be any cuter?

Sebastian is 4 months!
My little man is 4 months old. I absolutely love this age. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday with shots. He is 95% in height (26 1/2 inches) and 95% in weight (17 pounds 13 ounces). This is why it is a struggle to hold little man all day! And he loves to be held! He was getting up around 6 times a night wanting his pacifier and I was getting little sleep. He can't breathe very hard sleeping on his back flat, so I elevated the crib with a pillow under the sheet. This is helping a lot!
He talks, smiles all day, laughs, and snuggles. I get asked a lot, "Is he an easy baby?" Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Babies are not easy. They are a lot of work. They need love and attention. They need to be fed every 3 hours, and you have to be careful holding them. It is stressful. So all you teens out there, don't even think about it. There are NO easy babies. And if you think it is easy, step up your game and give the little one some attention.
He talks, smiles all day, laughs, and snuggles. I get asked a lot, "Is he an easy baby?" Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Babies are not easy. They are a lot of work. They need love and attention. They need to be fed every 3 hours, and you have to be careful holding them. It is stressful. So all you teens out there, don't even think about it. There are NO easy babies. And if you think it is easy, step up your game and give the little one some attention.
Cealy loves the ER.
"Mommy, that was so much fun!"
You might think I took her to the zoo, Children's Museum, or a park. Oh No. We went to the Emergency Room, because she decided to drink anticeptic hand wash. By the time I got to her it was all over her and she was screaming. I called the Poison Help Line and after they listened to her dry heaving, they told me to get to the ER as fast as I could. The woman wanted to send an ambulance, but I thought I could get there faster so I threw Cealy in the car with a diaper on, no socks, shoes, coat, or anything that would make me look like a mother who had it together. I won't even go into my attire, but I will tell you when Danny saw me there, he was the up most embarrassed.
After we got there, and they checked her vitals and Auntie Aisha came running in, she asked, "Where is Sebastian?" "Oh he is with the neighbor that heard my screams, and I don't have her number." As if social services was happy with my mothering skills in this case, they were probably taken back that my infant was with someone I have NO number to. (My neighbor is a Peach, and did a great job!) I am the person who doesn't leave my children with anyone except family, which leaves me to do little when they are unavailable, but I failed that test miserably this time.
They let us go when Cealy's x-ray was clear. Cealy was jumping on the hospital bed, and screamed when I took off her princess gown (hospital gown). When we left, Cealy said, "Mommy, that was so much fun." Super. I had a sinus infection, ear infection, and felt like a car hit me, but Cealy had a blast.
I will be waking up from now on, and brushing my hair, teeth, maybe washing my face, and getting some appropriate clothes on. You may wonder why I don't do this normally, but my children get up at 5am and I spend an hour trying to get them back to sleep before I stumble out of bed to start my day. Sebastian does not like to nap past 15 minutes so I have NO time to do anything for myself. No pity party here, just giving you some insight. The hospital staff sees it all, I am aware, but they for sure were worried about why I hadn't brushed my hair for awhile.
You might think I took her to the zoo, Children's Museum, or a park. Oh No. We went to the Emergency Room, because she decided to drink anticeptic hand wash. By the time I got to her it was all over her and she was screaming. I called the Poison Help Line and after they listened to her dry heaving, they told me to get to the ER as fast as I could. The woman wanted to send an ambulance, but I thought I could get there faster so I threw Cealy in the car with a diaper on, no socks, shoes, coat, or anything that would make me look like a mother who had it together. I won't even go into my attire, but I will tell you when Danny saw me there, he was the up most embarrassed.
After we got there, and they checked her vitals and Auntie Aisha came running in, she asked, "Where is Sebastian?" "Oh he is with the neighbor that heard my screams, and I don't have her number." As if social services was happy with my mothering skills in this case, they were probably taken back that my infant was with someone I have NO number to. (My neighbor is a Peach, and did a great job!) I am the person who doesn't leave my children with anyone except family, which leaves me to do little when they are unavailable, but I failed that test miserably this time.
They let us go when Cealy's x-ray was clear. Cealy was jumping on the hospital bed, and screamed when I took off her princess gown (hospital gown). When we left, Cealy said, "Mommy, that was so much fun." Super. I had a sinus infection, ear infection, and felt like a car hit me, but Cealy had a blast.
I will be waking up from now on, and brushing my hair, teeth, maybe washing my face, and getting some appropriate clothes on. You may wonder why I don't do this normally, but my children get up at 5am and I spend an hour trying to get them back to sleep before I stumble out of bed to start my day. Sebastian does not like to nap past 15 minutes so I have NO time to do anything for myself. No pity party here, just giving you some insight. The hospital staff sees it all, I am aware, but they for sure were worried about why I hadn't brushed my hair for awhile.
Christmas Lights.
My little man sleeps 11 hours at night. I love this! I have to get up to give him his pacifier a couple of times, but not a problem. It doesn't matter the time you put him to bed, he gets up at 7am. He will try to get up about 5, and with a passy he goes back down for about 2 hours. Sebastian does not like to nap during the day. Just ask Kenzie. We crack up, because he will pass out and in 15 minutes be up and act as if he slept an hour. This makes him very tired about 5 o'clock. So I walk around the house in the carrier, and get dinner made while trying to keep him up until 7. Sebastian wears 9 month clothes and some of them at too small! Let's remember he is 3 1/2 months old!
This is what I carry Sebastian in at night. Here we were attempting to help Danny hang Christmas lights! Our neighborhood is out of this world with Christmas lights.

Aunt Jessie reading with Cealy. I love this picture. Jessie will be the world's best mother. She comes up with such fun games. Cealy can't get enough of her. She will also hold Sebastian for hours. I have to tell her to put him down!
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