I can't get enough of this child's face!! You have been a little sassy lately. Let's just say you like to be held all day, but who could put you down?

Mamaw holding Sebastian. She is so good at calming babies. I love Mamaw. She is an incredible woman.

I love this picture! He is just a chunk! At his 2 month appointment he was 15lbs!

Aunt Jessie came over to play for two days of madness. She is so good with both of you! She rocked you forever the other night, because you were not happy! We stayed up playing cards, drank wine, and laughed. I so love her!
Sebastian is three months today! He is such a love. I barely let him sleep, because I like to pick him up and snuggle. Last night Mackenzie asked me if she thought I kissed him enough...only because I kissed him probably 200 times before he went to bed.
Sebastian is on acid reflux medicine, just like Cealy was at his age. In fact, they both went on the medicine at the exact same time at 2 1/2 months. I did not want to take Sebastian into the doctor because I knew it meant meds, but after taking him 3 times for spitting up or refusing the bottle I decided to put him on it, and it made a huge difference. Sebastian is very calm, which is good, because Cealy is not so calm at her age. In the morning, after breakfast we play in the book room, and read lots of books so he is already getting excited for books. He smiles at everyone, and if I am talking in the room he will look all around until he finds me...SO yummy this little love is!!
Cealy loves Sebastian to pieces. Today in the car, Sebastian was crying and Cealy said, "Don't worry brother, Cealy is here." She also said, "Mommy, you know Jesus loves me? He loves everyone."
At this point KeKe and I are getting into trouble, because Cealy is so funny, you would like to laugh, but it is not always appropriate. If she does something she shouldn't and I say, "Cealy, you want to go to timeout?" She says, "Umm, yes I do."