I had tears in my eyes watching Uncle Kizzler and his fellow army comrades stand while those around them clapped. It is very important to show our respect to those who fight for our country. Uncle Kyle has been through a lot, see things no one should, and put many years into fighting for his country.

You love drinking out of cups!

When someone says, "Cealy go night night," you put your head down and act like you are sleeping. It is so cute!

We went to Indy for the week following up to July 4th! We spent everyday with your Auntie Jessie, Grandpam, Auntie Kenzie, and Marm. We had so much fun! It is always refreshing to visit, because I get so much help. Everyone fights over who gets to take care of you, and I get a break. Of course I love hanging with the family too. We play games every night and pool it every day. You were a great napper and once Grandpam figured out the pool concoction for you, we had a blast. Every day we brought you a bucket and water toys. You sat by the pool and played in the water bucket the whole time!