I love this picture. You love to hold onto someone while you sleep, just incase they think about putting you down, you will know. Here you are holding your grandpa's hand.

You are biting down on everything. When Aunt Kenzie gave you a bath, she laughed the whole time because you were sucking her thumb.

Wow, you had your four month appointment today! You are still mad at me about your shots, but soon you will forget. You are still in the 90th percentile for your weight and height! You are a completely different baby. I cannot believe how much you have grown in the last month. You smile all day long. You love to play and talk as LOUD as you can. I cannot get enough of you. When your dad gets home at night he likes to play with you until you go to bed. He likes you all to himself. You are waking up three times a night now which is not fun, but you mostly want to see us. I bring you into bed about 5am and you hold my hand until you fall asleep. You are so loving. You are looking more like your dad everyday. If you are lucky, you will be tall just like him! I love you, I love you!!